With finals week just around the corner, you may feel nervous. Studying a whole semester of material for every class is a lot and it’s difficult to know where to start. On top of that, being tested on it all in such a short amount of time can be super overwhelming. Even though it feels like you have a million things to get done, there are ways to help curb anxiety (& still do well!) during finals week.
Make (& stick to!) a schedule
This should be step one. It’s much easier to feel calm if you know exactly what has to get done and when. You can use a notebook, digital calendar, or whiteboard — whatever works for you! Write down when all your finals are and figure out what content you have to know for each of them. Then, divide everything up by day. Doing this can really reduce stress and make everything feel a lot more manageable.
Find a good study spot
It is so easy to get distracted when you’re studying. You might talk to your roommate, get distracted by noise or just end up scrolling on social media. A good way to avoid this is to find a study spot that works for you. For me, I like to work in a place where other people are also studying. This encourages me to be productive and doesn’t offer too many temptations to do other things. Different places work for different people; maybe it’s the library, a coffee shop or a study room. Find what works for you and stick to it!
Form a study group
Creating a group can be so much fun and is a great way to study. Other people may understand concepts you don’t and you can all bounce ideas off one another. It will also help you remember material better because you’ve talked through it, so it will stick in your memory. Finally, having a group to attend will hold you accountable and you might actually enjoy studying!
Use a planner
Using a planner can be super helpful for remembering daily tasks. Writing down what you have to accomplish that day will reduce stress and ensure you stay on track. Another great option is a sticky note — I write down what I have to get done each day and stick it on my computer. Both of these options can motivate you to do your assignments just by writing them down.
Prioritizing your mental health during this stressful time is so important. Staying organized can mitigate stress levels, but make sure to leave time for things you enjoy. Spending time with friends, going on a walk or reading a book are some great ways to clear your mind. Taking a break can be super beneficial and actually boosts productivity and focus! Happy studying and good luck!