Some students have a work when they are in college, and some of them don’t, but still earning their money in different ways. There are also students that does not know how to manage their money and ends without it thanks to the bad investments. Today, I will show you an easy way to build your own budget and not die trying.
1. First of all, you need to know how many money you earn per week/month and make a list about your expenses. These can be food, housing, cellphone, gas, a little for yourself, etc.
2. When you have your list, you start dividing your money. For example, I work and receive my payment every week, so I divide my money in the following order based on the earnings of $180/month:
- Gas $20.00/week or two weeks
- Food $20.00/week or two weeks
- Cellphone $60.00/month
- College expenses (books, copies, etc) $40.00 biweekly
- Savings $20.00/week
- Something for personal expenses $20.00 biweekly
Remember that everything depends of how many money you earn.
3. What should I do with my savings? Easy, go to the bank you prefer and start a saving account so you can save your money properly because some people tends to use their saving money if they have it accessible in their wallet. If you don’t like banks you can have a security case or a safe place where you can keep your money. It depends on you.
4. You have a little for your personal stuff at least once a month depending your earnings, treat yourself. You work for it, if you have the money do not think it twice. Go for that purse or for those sneakers you saw the las time that you cannot afford them or go to your favorite restaurant and have an amazing time.
Managing money is one of the most important keys for surviving college, do it well and you will have a good time without falling apart.