“Feet,what do I need you for when I have wings to fly?”
– Frida Kahlo
Do we hear many people speaking on the famous big painter Frida Kahlo, but … That we know about her? Magdalena Carmen Frida Kahlo Calderon, was born on July 6, 1907 in Coyoacan, and died on July 13, 1954 to 47 years of age due to a pulmonary thrombosis. This famous Mexican was a big and famous painter, who in spite of her illnesses and her physical suffering could go out forward and go very far. Frida was a big woman for society and for art history. With the mastery of her thin stroke, she left several dozens of self-portraits where she emphasized her close eyebrows and her scarce mustache. Frida was always wearing her traditional Mexican dresses; she was always using the folklore of her culture with gestures and conversations, and this made her stand out in several social circles. Frida was a visionary: she defended the cause of the indigenous people in Mexico. She also captured in her work, symbols and traditions of her dear Mexico.
“Where you could not love, do not take a long time”
Frida was also a woman tormented by the constant ravings of Diego Rivera (her husband) his lovers and for its medical tragedies what gave him this air of unenclosed artist, who has done that many people are related to her across its suffering. Frida had a big value like artist, although the skill that it was using was not the darling between many. Its style turns concerning the surrealism and the expressionism. She is one of few women artists who shone in its time opening a field for the artists who would come later. Its importance is so big that she was the national artist first in presenting one of its works in the Louvre museum. Frida went so far as to receive recognition of out-standing artists as Picasso and Marcel Duchamp its popularity in the world is born from the 70s when there is inaugurated an exhibition that travels round Europe with works of her and Tina Modotti. From this the figure of the artist begins to take force and be used like symbol of the feminism. Frida is a symbol of the women who suffer, since big part of its life had a lot of suffering because he was suffering of fibromyalgia, which was provoking his big pains.
“I paint self-portraits because I am a lot of time alone. I make myself up to me the same because I am better whom I meet”
-Frida Kahlo
For its influence in the ideology and vision of the woman at present, who is characterized for breaking the image of the woman submissive and dedicated to the hearth, also for its revolutionary activism, for its sexual freedom, and for touching in its work topics taboo of the epoch as the pain, the abortion, the lack of affection. He stood out for its peculiar way of dressing, which frequent age adorned with clothing’s, necklaces and accessories inspired by the folklore of Mexico. Even at present, elements as the crown of flowers and the embroidered clothes have acquired special popularity in the world of the fashion.
“There are some that are born with stars and other stellate, and even if you do not want to believe it, I am one of the starriest …”
At present, it’s most expensive painting is “Raices” (1943), which sold for 5,616,000 million dollars. Frida is one of the artists’ better positioned on the market of the art and its value keeps on climbing. Thanks to Frida the women have made big way in the humanity, the woman has received value. Frida opened many doors to the women in the world of the art and taught us that the woman can have the same value as a man in the society and even more. Its recognition for the woman and for the artist grows with the step of the years, while more Frida grows, more the woman grows.
Frida Kahlo has turned into one of the undeniable symbols of the Mexican popular culture of the XXth century. In the end, its history, its achievements, its struggles and its passions are captured in its work, which was accompanying us in a lot of time and with the one that it will be able to keep on captivating new generations.
“If I could give you a thing in the life, I would like giving you the aptitude to meet yourself across my eyes. Only then you will realize the special thing that you are for me”
– Frida Kahlo