Did you know that you can contribute to sustainability just by cleaning out your closet? Closets Collide is an Iowa State student organization that promotes sustainability through clothing swaps events and educating others about sustainability.
How did Closets Collide come about?
In her English 250 class, Kelsey Leighton was given an assignment to create an event that would bring the Ames community and Iowa State University together. She came up with an idea of a clothing swap, in which members of the Ames and ISU communities could bring in gently used clothes they no longer wore and go home with different clothes. Today Closets Collide is ran by Kaitlyn Batt and Lisa Bradshaw along with 8 coordinators and about 20 volunteers.
How many Closets Collide Events have taken place?
Two. The first clothing swap was held in January 2010 at Jeff’s Pizza Shop in Campustown. Over 200 people showed up and more than 100 swapped clothes. This past Fall 2010, a clothing swap was held on campus at Memorial Union.
What happens to the unswapped clothes?
Any clothing that isn’t swapped is donated to local organizations. After the first swap, four Jeep-loads of clothing were donated.
Besides clothing swaps, what else does Closets Collide do?
Closets Collide is all about sustainability and reusing old things for new purposes. This Spring, CC will be participating in the VEISHEA service activity that turns pillowcases into dresses for little girls in Africa. Right now CC is working on building a following, promoting community outreach and inspiring others to get active in sustainability. CC members are also planning upcoming clothing drives and donation events.
When will the next clothing swap be?
CC would like to eventually hold a clothing swap every semester. The next big swap is likely to be held in January 2012.
To connect with Closets Collide and stay-up-to-date on their news and events or get involved, check out their Facebook and Tweets.