The Iowa State University Greek community hosted the HAZE documentary to increase awareness for Hazing Prevention Week.
“‘Hazing’ refers to any activity expected of someone joining a group (or to maintain full status in a group) that humiliates, degrades or risks emotional and/or physical harm, regardless of the person’s willingness to participate.
In past years, hazing practices were typically considered harmless pranks or comical antics associated with young men in college fraternities,“ as defined on
Haze, the documentary, introduced us to a family who lost their oldest son who was pledging a fraternity and died in a hazing indict. The documentary confronted tough issues such as drug and alcohol abuse in Greek life, but also showed that this is not just a Greek issue. Alcohol and drug abuse are topics that affect many college students Greek or not. Hazing is also just not a Greek issue, sporting teams are also known for hazing.
By taking a stand against hazing Iowa State University Greek community hopes to raise awareness and end hazing.
To read more about hazing laws in Iowa check out:
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