Attention students! Midterms are coming…
School is difficult. That’s just a fact for many students. And for those lucky bags of sunshine and rainbows, college can still be difficult. Here are seven ways to keep your sanity as the assignments due begin to increase and midterms begin to rear their ugly heads:
1. Remember to Feed yourself.
Try to get some vegetables in there. Just a few here and there. But also, make sure to treat yourself because yes, you do deserve it. You got up. You went to class. You wrote probably something down. You’re trying. Grab that candy bar you want. Get tacos. Eat what makes you feel good, but also remember to eat what makes you feel good long term.
Try to be like Lucy. I swear Kale is the miracle leaf.
2. Lagging on sleep? Prioritize.
I know, I know. There’s no way you can get that required nine hours of sleep. But still, try to aim for eight. You may say that you’re getting six hours of sleep and “doing just fine,” but from a biological and psychological point of view, you are not doing just fine. Your body is just getting used to working with minimal effort. This means you’re working at a much smaller level than you possibly could be working at. Don’t just go from six to nine hours otherwise you’ll feel like crap cause your body isn’t used to that much energy. But I guarantee that those extra hours will have you feeling like a whole new person.
Don’t do this to yourself. Don’t be a broken, rocking Stewie. You deserve better.
3. You’ve been studying and writing essays for 2 days straight and are feeling burnt out? SOCIALIZE!
When you hang out with friends sometimes, it may feel like you’re just wasting time, but no! Using energy to feel better is not a bad thing and you should not see it as one. Hanging out with friends, going to a club meeting or even just walking around the mall or a semi-crowded area can make all the difference. Sometimes you need other humans around you to remind yourself that you too, are a human.
Unless you’re like… not.
4. You just cannot focus for the life of you! Exercise.
If you’re like me, you probably immediately scoffed at this not because it’s not possible to focus from exercising, but because exercising is so much work. I’m not saying to go to the gym, get that cardio in, strength training, and some cross-fit if you’re up for it. I’m saying just get up, leave your desk and take a small walk. More importantly, leave that space. Go as far as you feel comfortable and let your mind drift away from the work. It’ll be like a breather for your brain as well as a wake up for your body. And hush! Yes, walking counts as exercising, too!
Trust Bruce Lee on this one.
5. Pained by the cycle of barely sleeping, eating, studying and classes. Take a full MENTAL step back and remember to love yourself.
Do what you gotta do. We all have coping strategies. Put on a face mask. Doodle. Paint. Have a poetry session with some friends. Make something. Watch that new episode of Rick and Morty or Game of Thrones. Binge watch some Gilmore Girls. Sing and dance around in your room with your headphones blaring the Beatles or something. Just do you. Live your best life. Remember that this is a means to an end. Take your time to enjoy the small parts of life. Remember why you’re here and where you want to be. Give yourself a pat on the back, get up, breathe and keep moving forward.
Pause. Breathe. Love. Solid advice, Mr. President.
6. Okay, so you’re honestly just stressed. It feels like there is too much going on and you can’t even begin to imagine tackling the rest of the semester let alone the year. All the small things are starting to weigh you down. Is this it? The end of your college career? No! Take a breather my friend, and reach out!
Never ever ever be afraid to reach out for help. People will say “get help when you need it,” but no. I’m a bigger fan of the words “get help when you want it,” because you deserve it. We all get stressed sometimes. You don’t need a mental illness to get help. You’re allowed to reach out. You’re allowed to feel overwhelmed. Resources like therapy are used to learn how to manage that stress. Once you start, it’s not like you’re stuck there forever. Almost every college has mental health services for free. Take advantage of these. The strategies you get there can last a lifetime. You’ve got this. If you feel like you can’t take it, swallow that pride and take that step forward. Your friends are on your side. And hell, if you don’t have friends, I’m on your side.
P.S. If you’re in high school, your emotions are equally valid. “Stage” or not, you matter. Take care of yourself homies.
Be like Honey Boo Boo. She may not know what she needs, but she knows what she wants, and she’s gonna let you know.
7. It’s all Escalated. Life doesn’t seem worth it anymore…GET HELP NOW
In case of emergencies with mental health, call the National Suicide Hotline at 1-800-273-8255. Don’t feel like talking? Are phone calls stressful for you? Chat online with a professional at: . Internet connection not the best? Text HOME to 741741.
Good luck fellow survivors, and remember to take it easy. College isn’t your whole life; it is simply a part of it. You are so much more than your grades.