Name: Hiranya Draupadie Nataliya Wickramasinghe (Drau, for short.)
Major: Business Administration /Marketing Concentration
Minor: Economics & Math
Hometown: Colombo, Sri Lanka
Campus Involvement: Resident Assistant, Student Assistant in the Career Services Office and a Student Manager with IC Catering!
Extracurriculars: President of the International Club at IC, a Deans Host in the Park Center for Business and Sustainable Enterprise and a Diversity Peer Educator!
HC: Why did you choose to go to Ithaca College?
DW:I transferred to IC because I liked the campus living, as opposed to a city school, the smaller classes where the professor actually knows you by name.
HC: What are you passionate about?
DW: Working in the field of international development or just development in general. Hoping to be able to go back to Sri Lanka to accomplish this.
HC: What’s your dream for the future?
DW: Academically? Complete my masters in the London School of Economics. I’m not too certain about the rest of it… which is what I like the most. The ambiguity.
HC: Life motto/words to live by?
DW: “If” by Rudyard Kipling ; its something I read over and over …
HC: Plans for next Semester?
DW: Be working by Fall.
HC: Relationship status?
DW: In a relationship, haha.