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Send Silence Packing!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Ithaca chapter.

Send Silence Packing is a national traveling exhibit put on by Active Minds that raises awareness about mental health and promotes dialogue about the consequences, specifically suicides, of remaining silent. The 1,100 backpacks displayed represent the average number of college students’ lives lost to suicide each year. Here, Ithaca students remember those lost and remember to never stay silent.

Cady Lang is a junior (class of 2014) at Ithaca College, where she is studying as a journalism major with English and art history minors. Cady is currently the Editor in Chief of 360 Magazine, Ithaca College's narrative style publication. She is also a staff writer and blogger for the college's award-winning newspaper, The Ithacan and a frequent contributor to Buzzsaw Magazine, the college's alternative magazine. She also has experience as an intern for Condé Nast and Diablo Magazine. She is devoted to art, culture and brunch. She hopes to pursue to a career in magazine journalism. Follow her on twitter: @cadylang.