This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Ithaca chapter.
We all are ready for spring to have sprung, but waiting for it to warm up seems to be taking forever! Here’s a list of the top ten things you should do as we wait for spring!
1. Buy New Clothes!
Everyone knows that florals will be coming back this spring, but venture out and add some new prints to your closet!
Add some polka dots or oranges that will add plenty of color to your wardrobe! You’ll be looking as fresh as the daisies popping up in no time!
2. Shave the forest that’s been growing since the fall!
No one likes to shave. It’s so nuanced, and the only reason we shave is because the patriarchy tells us to! Remedy this by shaving off the beards on your friend’s faces in their sleep. They’ll never see it coming and will be looking better by the morning!
3. Spruce up your room!
Everyone loves to spring clean and now is the best time to do it. That way you don’t have a ton of crap lying around when spring comes. Take the mountain of water bottles that haven’t been recycled since it’s been too cold to take them outside and make some art! Or just let them collect dust and call that art. Art is what you make of it.
4. Try a new look out!
Spring is a new start and a chance to wear what you’ve always wanted to wear. That bright coral lip? Go for it! A low cut top? You can rock it! How about using lamb’s blood as a lip and cheek stain? Great idea! Your new look is refreshing and festive!
5. Add/Remove things from your queue
Let’s be real. Outdoors are great but so is watching things on Netflix when it gets to be too hot. You won’t get a sunburn when you watch all of New Girl; you’ll just get a new sense of humor.
I for one, cannot wait for spring! What are you planning?