Everybody listen up, if you’re going to be a Hoosier you must know the following names and terms to be considered one.
Darty: This term is crucial and will be for your next four years. Darty is a contraction of the words “day” and “party”. Darty can be used as a verb or noun, whatever you’re in the mood for. Use it, know it, love it.
“OMG, like I darty’d soooo hard the other day.”
Ballantine: Majority of your classes will be in this building so please refrain from pronouncing it wrong and sounding like an amateur. How freshmen pronounce it: Bal-en-teen. How it really is pronounced: Bal-en-tine. Just say Valentine with a B and you’re golden.
“Ugh, my class is on the 3rd floor of Ballantine…so many stairs.”
GDI: God damn independent, or someone who is not affiliated with the greek system. You can often spot them at Smallwood, Tenth and College and random off-campus houses.
“Is she in a house?”
“No, she’s a GDI.”
Kirk: Short for Kirkwood, the street lined with restaurants and shops leading up to the sample gates (those are the big columns for all you newbs).
“Let’s go to Kirk and get some Campus Candy.”
IMU: Indiana Memorial Union. Please don’t call it this because everyone will hate you. Just call it the Union. Keep it short and sweet. The union has everything: food, books, Starbucks, etc. Downside- couches are a hot place to study, so it’s difficult to find one of these coveted spots.
“I was trying to study in the union and this guy took up a whole couch to sleep on…so rude.”
Dunn Meadow: Probably one of the most beautiful and scenic places on campus. You have most likely walked past it before but don’t know what it’s called, it’s the lesser-known sibling of the arboretum. Dunn Meadow is behind the union and across the street from Sig Chi Fraternity, at 7th and Dunn. You will see people tanning, playing Frisbee and dog walking. Sometimes they have events and plop Porta Potties down right near the grassy area, which diminishes its appeal, but hey, nobody’s perfect.
“Where’s Dunn Meadow?”
Bus: You’ll be taking the A bus, later to be called your best friend. Many of you will refrain from taking it first semester because you don’t know how. Trust me, the bus is the way to go because it is much easier to ignore someone and casually turn your back to them then it is to do so on Fee Lane. Side Note: The Freshman 15 isn’t from eating the plethora of goodies the C-Store has to offer…it’s from taking the bus.
“Let’s take the A bus to Kirk.”
SRSC: Student Recreational Sports Center, but please, call it by the acronym. This is where you can be up in the gym just workin’ on your fitness. Also known as a scene, everyone you’ve ever met in your life will be here. They probably will be looking in the mirror, trying to pretend they’re working out while trying to catch some frat guy’s attention. Bring some sunglasses because you are sure to see neon that will prevent you from working out efficiently. On a positive note, they have some great classes like kick box cardio that I highly recommend.
“Wanna give me a ride to the SRSC?”