So who is the IU student who is responsible for bringing Lil Wayne to our campus for Little 500? Her name is Lisa Wagner.
Wagner, a junior majoring in communication and culture from San Diego, California is the Director of Concerts for the Union Board and was elected in January of this year.
Lil Wayne is the first show she has planned, which is a big feat for a rookie. “I know it’s a big project to take on, but I’m confident that with the support of the committee and the rest of the board that we will turn out an incredible show,” Wagner says.
It is this support that encouraged Wagner to run for a UB director in the first place. “I wanted to be involved with Union Board because of the open nature and professionalism of the organization,” Wagner says.
Does this busy girl have time for anything else? Surprisingly, yes. She is also involved with many other organizations on campus. She is a member of Sigma Delta Tau and the Retail Studies Organization.
Although Lisa is extremely involved with IU through these organizations she still takes part in many other aspects of student life. In fact, when asked what her favorite IU memory is she responded, “My favorite IU memories are always the tailgates where the school spirit never runs dry!”
What about free time?  “I don’t have much of it these days, but when I do I like to hang out with friends, shop, and research the music industry,” Wagner says.
So what’s next for this campus celebrity? “As excited as I am for this mainly hip hop focused show, I hope to in the future continue my goal of bringing a broad range of artists to IU,” she says.