I thought I was home free over Spring Break because I only had one midterm. I thought I would have a week of complete relaxation.
But then I started panicking about the week following  break. I looked through my agenda and discovered I had two tests, two quizzes, and a final. This was not what I wanted to see two days before flying into the Florida sunshine. I told my mom about the week, and I heard what I had been avoiding- “Nicole, you’re just going to have to bring your books to Florida and study.”
What!? It was break! I wasn’t supposed to be doing anything. I was supposed to be sitting by a pool and listening to music all day. But I knew it would not be good to save all the studying for the week I returned. Then, I would really not be a happy camper.
So, alas, I spent Spring Break studying in Florida. But that’s not to say I didn’t get my fair share of sun, fun, a skin burn, and some quality relaxation time.
Now that we’re back, last week’s relaxation has led me to an ultimate laziness. It probably also doesn’t help that the weather is beautiful, even here.
See, I thought senioritis was this one semester illness where you just want to be done with high school and move on to the next chapter of your life. Well, I was wrong. Suddenly, it takes so much effort to do school.
This illness landed at the absolutely wrong time this week. I have three tests Thursday. Hence, my dilemma. I need to study and do well on these exams, but Facebook photo albums labeled “Spring Break” with some witty one liner and hearing about the adventures of all the girls on my floor  is too good to pass up.
I have to keep telling myself over and over just get through this week, and that I’m here for school, not to become the gossip queen. Then, I can do all the Facebook creeping I like over the weekend.
Here’s to focusing. Wish me luck!