As children, we became accustomed to the fact that saying trick-or-treat usually resulted in receiving some type of delicious candy. But now we are rewarded with a big fat law stating that it is illegal to trick-or-treat past the age of 14. Is this a trick? ‘Cause it’s definitely NOT a treat. To my dismay, it is indeed true that this law is in effect in some states. Telling kids that they can’t trick or treat is like telling me I can’t watch Disney movies anymore…. in which case I’m a convicted felon and a repeat offender at that. If I could, I’d trick or treat until the tennis balls on my walker were no good.
Since when did it become taboo for adults to do childish things? Grandparents say whatever they please (an immature act), join living communities (day care), and pass gas with no conception for who or what may be affected (sound familiar?). So if us as adults can participate in juvenile acts EVERY DAY, then what’s the harm in letting us participate in this act once a year on all hallows eve? The only thing I have to say about this law is BOO