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10 Ways To Guarantee You Won’t Get a Second Date

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IUP chapter.


Many of us have rolled the dice and taken our chance at love in the college dating game. We’ve been through the dates that have been amazing and also unfortunately the ones that have failed in epic proportions. First dates are the wildcard, they are totally unpredictable and you’re not always sure what to expect. If while on the first date, you decide (for whatever reason) that you don’t want there to be a second, doing any of the following will assure there won’t be another date.  

1. Constantly Check Your Phone

There is nothing more annoying than trying to talk to someone more absorbed in texting than actual conversation.  Out of respect to your date, catch up on your Facebook and Twitter newsfeed after your date. If you spend more time on your phone than talking and getting to know your date, the’ll get the hint you aren’t interested and will neglect to ask you out again.

2. Over share

Talking about details of your life such as your medical history, everything you ate that day and an extensive explanation about your most recent break-up will definitely leave your date speechless (and not in a good way). Sharing extremely personal information is a surefire to scare your date off and will not only steer you off the path of a second-date but also earn you a first-class ticket on the crazy train. 

3. Talk Far into the future

There are very few things that could make your date more uncomfortable than talking about marriage, having kids and so on. In college, most people are just trying to get through their classes and work on finding a job. Talking about a way-off future will more likely than not send your date running to the hills. 

4. Talk About Yourself

Coming off as conceited and narcissistic is a huge turn-off for most people. If you constantly talk about yourself and show little to no interest in what’s going on in your date’s life, they’ll think you are selfish and arrogant. No sane person will want to date someone who’s self absorbed.

5.  Act Like a Barbarian

Burping, farting, talking with food in your mouth, being rude to your waitress are obvious  ‘no-no’s on any date. But on the first date where first impressions are crucial, you definitely want to keep it classy and save those shenanigans for when you’re with your friends.


6. Be a Negative Nancy

Whining about the food and moaning about how terrible your life is a definite dating “don’t’.” No one wants to date a wet blanket. Being negative and pessimistic are not traits most people are looking for in a future boyfriend/girlfriend. So unless you want to guarantee you won’t get asked out again, avoid the complaints.

7.  Constantly Put Yourself Down

Unless you want your date to think you’re insecure and have low confidence, avoid telling you’re date you’re “so fat” or “have like no money.” If you can’t love yourself, how can you expect anyone else to? It’s important  to leave your date thinking you’re amazing and have a lot to offer and making negative remarks about yourself will not help you accomplish that goal. 

8. Bring Your Friend

While most people have the common sense to not bring their best friend along on a date, it may be tempting to invite a friend to avoid the awkwardness that sometimes accompanies a first date. But bringing your friend along on a first date is juvenile and is a tactic that should be left to junior high kids. Your date asked YOU on a date not you and your friend.

9. Show Up Obnoxiously Late

Not everyone is punctual, and if you find you are one of those people that is always late make it a point to be on time for your first date. Showing up an hour late is not only rude but disrespectful to your date. You don’t want your date to be left alone nervously waiting, wondering if you’re going to show up or not. Your date will very likely rule you out as dating potential before you even arrive if you’re more than just a few minutes late.

10.  Try Too Hard

If you’re trying way too hard to impress your date, you’re bound to look like a phony. You want to be yourself and true to yourself. Lying about yourself or making up stories are huge no-no’s. You want your date to like you for you and if you have to try really hard to impress him, it’s probably not worth it anyway.


So all in all, have fun with dating and unless you want to make sure you aren’t asked on a second date, avoid these dating blunders. 



