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12 Signs the Semester Needs to End

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IUP chapter.

The Struggle Bus is speeding down the lane and if you haven’t jumped on it yet, you will soon. The semester is getting to the end and everything seems to be due. It will be okay in a few weeks, but you are dying for it to end. 


1. Your feeling when your professor adds a “small” assignment to your overflowing list.  (Um, could you not.) 

2. You are tired all the time. Like 24/7. Morning, Noon, and Night.


3. You take forever to do small things: eat, shower, walk to class, because you can. 

4. Coffee, Coffee EVERYWHERE. 

5.  The longer you stare at the final rubic the less it makes sense. 

6. We Discussed It In Class.

7. Your dreams involve beaches. 


8.  Some Nights you Just Can’t. 


9. The Thought of Dropping Out is Looking Good. 

10. Is your 8:00 A.M. really worth it?

11.  When You Agree With the Retirement Commericals on TV. 

12.  Can I have An Extra Weekend After the Weekend.  To Catch Up Of Course. 


Hi, I am Katherine. I am a student at Indiana University of Pennsylvania. I am a member of the IUP English Equestrian team, Sigma Tau Delta, and a Writer for IUP's HER Campus. I love to read, (books of all genres) write, knit, and travel (I visited England this summer). I am also a British Royal Family Fan. My top music favorites are Ed Sheeran, Taylor Swift, Grace Potter, and Fleetwood Mac. My guilty pleasure is late night HPTV. Please check out my personal blogs-http://hiddeninthemargins.blogspot.com/ and http://wanderlustbound14.blogspot.com/