My first week as an IUP student was pure hell. Coming from a big city, and then moving to a small town in the middle of no where was challenging. I thought I would die. It was too quiet to sleep at night, the food was god-awful, there was no real form of public transportation, my roommate was crazy, I was a nursing major by force, it rained daily, and my family was five hours away. I felt like an ant in a big scary world. I would often call my parents or my boyfriend and ask them to talk me to sleep. I had never felt so uncomfortable and homesick in my entire life.
I came back spring semester a whole new woman. I changed my major from what my parents wanted it to be, to what I wanted. I even changed my room and moved into another dorm with my best friend. Things weren’t perfect, but I was beginning to adjust.Luckily, the fear went away my second year. The food was still awful, it still rained, and my family was still far away, but I was happier now that I was finally doing something that I wanted to do and it felt good. My social life got much better, and Indiana didn’t seem so scary anymore. In fact, Indiana turned out to be quite the entertaining little town. The best way to enjoy it is to change your attitude. I know this place isn’t a big exciting city, but I was able to explore a new type of fun here that I have never experienced in my home city of Philadelphia.
The lesson I learned being here for the last four years is that being away from home isn’t so bad. I stopped getting homesick once I allowed Indiana to become my new home, and not just my school. I like to think that changing my major and meeting such inspirational teachers made a difference in my attitude.Of course my social life helped that out too. I was able to find all that I had been missing, on Philly Street.
While it’s nothing like the real Philadelphia, it does have a lot to offer for city people who are looking for some excitement. It’s still raining, but I don’t mind, and the food is still awful, so I cancelled my meal plan. The most important thing is that I was happy here.
After graduation I will be interning in Pittsburgh at WAMO 100 radio station. Following that I plan to use my Communications Media degree to jumpstart my dream career of starting a multimedia company. I hope to provide people with quality entertainment, and to just become the best woman I can be.
Lastly, my advice to those incoming freshmen: 1) Get to know as many people as possible, networking is key. 2) Choose a major based on your passion, not what will make you money. 3) Enjoy all the experiences offered to you by the campus and in the community. These four years go by very quick, don’t miss out now and regret it later.
That’s all! I love my Her Campus family!
HCXO C.O. 2013