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Heart Stopper Season 3 Overview and Rating

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IUP chapter.

Season 3 of Heart Stopper was definitely more on the triggering side (well at least for me anyway). It covers heavy mental health topics such as anxiety, eating disorder, depression, suicidal thoughts, self harm and more, along with the discovery of new identities and sexualities amongst the characters. 

If you watched the show before, or at least heard of it, you know Nick and Charlie are the main couple in the storyline. Nick, the handsome, popular, buff, rugby player and Charlie, the shy, insecure, school punching bag, fall in love and their relationship really reaches the next level in season 3. 

The more their relationship progresses, Nick realizes how mentally unwell Charlie is. Charlie suffers from OCD, anxiety and anorexia, this has always been an issue, but it’s been made more of in the storyline. In season 3 they really take a deep dive on the effects of these disorders not only on Charlie but everyone else too, mainly Nick and Tori, his older sister, who both try to “save” Charlie, little does Nick know trying to “save” charlie will not only destroy his mental health but change his view on the world. 

While Nick and Charlie go through their own battles, the other main characters discover some of their own. Tao and Elle have been experimenting sexually with the factor of Elle being a trans woman,Tara has been dealing with the pressure of being the “perfect” student and Darcy not even having a clue because they discovered being non binary is the way they want to live. Isaac, Charlie’s best friend who he has been ignoring because of his struggles, also has been struggling with being asexual and aromantic while every single one of his friends are in a relationship. 

I really love how mental health is portrayed this season. I really felt connected to each one of the characters in different ways. I think the cast and production did an amazing job educating the young audience on these topics. While not making fun or disrespecting anyone in any way. Overall, this season gets a 7.3 from me but that’s because of my own personal triggers without that definitely a solid 9. 

Can’t wait for Season 4!!!

Samya Settles is the President of Her Campus at IUP, she covers fashion and current pop culture topics. She wants to write about every hot topic going on in the entertainment industry. She loves any and everything to do with modeling and hopes to pursue that career in the future, along with running her own business. She is attending IUP for her bachelors in Entrepreneurship and Small Business, she also considers earning her masters in the future. She is an active member of NAACP, Management Association, and Sign Club. In her free time, she like to listen to music, watch YouTube, ride her bike, workout and learn new languages. She is obsessed with the color pink, pandas and food. One thing she is extremely good at is binge watching shows, finishing them in less than two days!