Alright, I never thought I’d have this talk but here I am! My name is Alicia and I am addicted to TikTok. When I say addicted, I mean addicted. I HAVE to watch it before I go to bed and if I don’t, I lie there is wonder “what am I missing”. If I get a notification, I get super excited. It’s that deep, I know. I’m going to talk about why I love TikTok!
I don’t know if anyone remembers the days, but I can say I did not partake! BUT I did, however, in vine (rest in peace, my love). I know that my friends all were a part of the TikTok and I would sit there and be like “why do they care about it this much”, or “this is stupid”. Now I know. I’ve even got my boyfriend involved. He says it’s stupid but when I’m watching them, he makes me move my phone so he can see. He hasn’t reached the extent of downloading it but I wouldn’t be surprised.
TikToks give me something to laugh at. They give me something to be a part of without being judged because let’s be honest everyone else has no room to talk because they’re dancing alone in their room in front of their phone too. Some are serious though. I’ve found TikToks of people who have sold their beautiful art. DIY moms. Couponers who teach us their ways. I even found a sweet lady names Carolyn who has down syndrome and I sent her a dollar tee shirt in the mail as a little gift and told her I loved her.
TikTok may seem overrated or even stupid to others but I love it. Even though I know I’m not going to be “famous” or on the “for you” page it is still fun to make content and I suggest it to everyone. Try it! You don’t have to make videos just watch others and hear some people’s powerful stories.