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Study Abroad: What You Should Know Before Packing Your Bags

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IUP chapter.

Studying abroad can be the opportunity of a lifetime. But for many college students, it can also seem a daunting task. Where to go? What to study? Who do I turn to for advice? There are so many questions, and unfortunately, not many students have the answers. Well, have no fear IUP collegiettes, because HerCampus is here with step by step (or in this case, month by month) instructions on just how to successfully prepare for a semester abroad.

12 Months Beforehand

The first step in the study abroad process is to make sure you actually know what you are signing up for. During the Fall 2012 semester, IUP is hosting information sessions every Wednesday at 10:00 AM in Delaney Hall and 7:00 PM in Ruddock Hall. Once you have done that, you can continue to learn about the study abroad process either by looking over the forms provided by the Office of International Education, or by checking out studyabroad.com.

The next step is to choose your program of study. Once again, you will be using iup.studiabroad.com to help narrow down your selection based off of considerations such as:
-The length of time you want to spend abroad.
-What are your goals for the experience? Do you need to complete classes for your major, are you just taking electives, or is there a language requirement that needs to be fulfilled?
-The cost and how you will be paying for it?
Of course, there are plenty of other factors to take into consideration but those are just the major ones.

9-12 Months Beforehand
Depending on your program of choice, your next set of requirements will be different. Talk to your program coordinator to find out what your next course of action should be. Don’t know who your program coordinator is? No worries, just consult the Coordinator Contact Sheet which can be found in the Office of International Education. During this time, you should also be consulting with Mrs. Leslie Coates at Financial Aid, and with your academic advisor to inform them of your study abroad plans.


6-9 Months Beforehand
Six to nine months before you are scheduled to leave is when you actually apply for your study abroad program and scholarships. In order to do this, you will fill out a Transcript Request Form. Also, make sure your credits will be transferred back to IUP. The Office of Transfer Services can help you with that. You will be required to complete the Application for Coursework Approval form. Finally, go to iup.studioabroad.com to actually apply for your program.

3-6 Months Beforehand
Things are now getting critical at this stage of the game. Once you have been approved to study abroad, you must apply for scholarships through the Office of International Education. Once you have done that, it will be time for you to start gathering information on passports and visas. This can be done through www.studentsabroad.state.gov. The last thing to consider during this time is what you will do once you’ve returned from your semester abroad. Talk to your advisor about how to register for classes the semester you return, and also find out how to make sure you have housing.

1-3 Months Beforehand
You’re in the home stretch now. During this stage of the game, final preparations need to be made. You should schedule both a doctor’s and dentist appointment, as well as take a long hard look at your medical insurance. Make sure you are secured just in case anything were to go wrong during your semester abroad. Also take this time to immerse yourself in the culture, history, politics etc. of your host country. Be familiar with the land in which you are about to step. Lastly, you must attend a Pre-Departure Orientation Program sponsored by the Office of International Education.

Indiana University of Pennsylvania Office of International Education

Hailing from the City of Brotherly Love and Sisterly Affection, Junene is a current student at Indiana University of PA majoring in Journalism. She has three minors consisting of Communications Media, English: Film Studies track, and Religious Studies.She is the founding President/Editor in Chief of IUP's branch of Hercampus.com, and is the Founder/President of the IUP women's organization That's What She Said. She is also a current member of SPJ, ( Society of Professional Journalists) PRSSA (Public Relations Student Society of America), CSCR (Committee for the Study of Culture and Religion) and Vice President of the Religious Studies Club at IUP. She is the sole undergradate member of IUPs' Library Outreach and Marketing Committee and is a member of the Student Advisory Group. Junene is a first generation college student; her favorite film is The Usual Suspects and her favorite book is And Then There Were None, authored by Agatha Christie.