Summer is approaching, and I’m very excited for it. I’m ready to not have a set schedule almost every day of the week that heavily includes classes and assignments. I’ve been spreading myself thin with school, work, and personal things. On a high note, my boyfriend and I are going to Greece in May. Neither of us have never been and we’re really excited for it. It’s kind of just a spur of the moment thing. A while ago, we watched this movie and it basically had the message of live while you can. It inspired us. We started a vision board that night for a trip to Greece. We stayed up for hours doing research and looking at pictures. We later came to the conclusion that we just didn’t have the money or time, and the vision board got lost in a closet somewhere. It was kind of a depressing moment, but we were too busy focusing on our education. A few months ago, we again started thinking about Greece. I yelled that we should go for it, and live while we’re young. I mean, how cool would it be to say that we went to Greece at 19 and 20 years old? Within the next few days, we booked a nine day trip to Greece, which includes Athens and a tour of popular islands, like Santorini, Paros, and Mykonos. Since we’ve both never been, and don’t have much traveling experience without our parents, we decided to book a group tour. This way, we’ll have a guide that’ll lead us around Greece and inform us about its culture, while also having time to ourselves to explore Greece on our own.
The flight there is over ten hours long. I’ve never been on a commercial plane, so naturally, I’m a bit nervous about this. Kaleb, who is a pilot working to get his commercial lisence and someone who has been on a commercial plan, is assuring me that it’ll be fine. We leave on May 20th, which is about five weeks away. I can’t believe how fast it’s approaching! Another cool thing is, I’ll be turning 20 on our trip! Hitting double digits in a place I’ve always wanted to go sounds awesome. I’m so excited to go to all of the islands and beautiful beaches, walk around the towns, and get lots of amazing pictures! I’ve been doing a lot of shopping for this trip – so many swim suits and dresses are sitting in my cart right now! I just want to feel at peace and have a wonderful time. I am nervous, though. Kidnapping does happen in Greece. I’ve read though, that as long as you stay out of the “bad” parts, and stay aware, anyone should be fine traveling there. I’m taking a taser with me. I’m not afraid to zap a perv when necessary. I’m a bit worried, but many people go to Greece and are fine, so I’m just trying to think positive thoughts.
All that’s left to do is finish this semester, pack, and complete our flight there! I can’t believe it’s all coming up so quickly. For me, this semester went by really fast, but I’m very much so ready to be done with it. When my boyfriend and I come back on the 30th, my summer classes start. I’m taking two, which will give me six credits. I’m happy about this because I’m trying to graduate in five years with a Masters degree. I’ve taken summer classes before in high school, but never two at once. Hopefully it goes well! Anyway, I need to go study for my exam on Monday, so good luck with the rest of your semester! I hope you all have a great summer. Thanks for reading!