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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IUP chapter.

So you were feeling spooky season and bought a tarot deck, instead of leaving it to sit on a shelf now that spooky season is done why not pick it up and do some readings to focus your energies and gratitude this month?

cards and stationary with magnifying glass
Photo by Melissa Constandse

Tarot has roots all the way back to the 15th century. The cards have been used to tell fortunes, guiding the users through life choices. Each of the 78 cards has its own meaning and each deck can have its own purpose (so you can always buy more!). Tarot teaches the users to trust their intuition, if a reading doesn’t resonate with you, you can try again.

I use tarot cards to help focus my energies to where it will be the most effective. I have asked questions about life path choices (a tarot reading encouraged me to go back to school after taking time off), whether to go on dates, and to help ease my anxiety about the future.

Check out these tarot pulls to grow your practice and tap into the knowledge of the universe!

Daily Spread

Pull 3 cards each morning to gain intuition for the day.

Card 1: What is something that will bring me joy today?

Card 2: What is something to be mindful of today?

Card 3: What can I look forward to?


Learning to trust your intution can be challenging, but, like most things, you learn through practice. This 4 card spread can help you focus yourself and learn to trust in your own powers.

Shadow Work

Use cards to tap into your shadow self and learn more about yourself. Each card in this 8-card pull creates a pathway to the growth you can experience through shadow work.

Gratitude and Abundance

November is a time to be grateful for what you have and to think back over the past year of all the wonderfully beautiful things that happened to you. Use this 5 card pull to channel that gratitude (and have an idea what to tell your family your thankful for at Thanksgiving)!

Bonus Barbie Reading!

Brittney Smith is a member at the Her Campus IUP Chapter. She is a senior at Indiana University of Pennsylvania, majoring in anthropology. In her free time, she enjoys quoting 2000s movies and listening to her music too loud. 2 very enthusiastic thumbs up.