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Ten Ways to Get Over a Breakup

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IUP chapter.


Breakups suck! No matter what end of the argument you find yourself on, you know how emotional the ending of a relationship tends to be for both parties. Sometimes moving on just seems like it’s too difficult; when in reality all you need is a little push to get you out of your rut. Well, HC IUP is here to help you, once again with our list of The Ten Ways to Get over a Breakup.


Cut Him OFF!

While this will seem like the most obvious way to get over a breakup, it’s actually what many of us struggle with the most. Ending communication with your ex will help you get over your breakup so much faster (trust us!). Continuing to contact your ex can cause you to relive feelings that may not necessarily be mutual, which will undoubtedly cause some drama.



This is quite simple actually; just let those tears out. Bottling up your emotions will only make it worse for you. Even though there are times we don’t like to cry because we think of it as a weakness, it tends to make situations better even if only slightly.


Time for a Girls’ Night

Every girl loves having a girls’ night with their closest friends. Having one of these nights post-breakup will be sure to lift your spirits. Your friends are sure to know how you’re feeling about the situation, so they’ll be more than happy to lend you a shoulder to cry on and provide you with some great laughs throughout the night as well. A fun evening with your friends is sure to ease your mind. So pop open that wine and blow the dust off those board games in your closet.


Family Day 

Yes, your family has the ability to get on your nerves at the drop of a dime. But who has known you longer? Your family knows the ins-and-outs of your personality. Not to mention, being around your family tends to automatically lift your spirit. Spend some quality time with your siblings, parents, cousins, grandparents, etc. This will serve as one of those unexpected pick-me-ups.


Take Up a Hobby

Distractions are always a great way to get over a breakup. Something that is always fun to do is taking up a new hobby that you didn’t have time to do before. Check out a tutorial on knitting on YouTube or find the time to write poetry. Just do SOMETHING!


Go On an Adventure

Being adventurous is sure to get your blood pumping. Take a tour of a city you’ve never been to, redecorate your bedroom or go camping in the backyard with some of your friends. Doing these simple activities are sure to keep you occupied and allow you to have some fun at the same time.



By this point, we all know that exercise releases endorphins. With that being said, people who exercise on a regular basis see an enhancement in their moods. When your mood is boosted, obviously you are less likely to show signs of depression from your breakup. No matter what kind of workout you want to do, put on your workout clothes and start sweating this breakup away.


Try Something New

Doing a new activity is always fun, no matter when you begin it. Starting something new after a breakup, however, is sure to feel even better. Try to a cook a new recipe, join your local zumba class or try that new restaurant down the street. There are so many different activities you can participate in no matter your location. The possibilities are endless, so what have you got to lose?


Challenge Yourself 

Create a challenge for yourself and give yourself a set amount of time to complete it. For instance, a 30 Day Challenge to write at least one poem a day. Setting goals for yourself is always fun to do and in the end you’ll be the one that benefits. Try it!


Become Devoted…to your work

Now that your relationship is over, you undoubtedly have much more time on your hands. It’s time to get focused on what is you are doing. Being in college, you’ve set a goal for yourself already. Now it’s time to work hard on obtaining these goals by forming a new relationship with your coursework. There’s no reason for you not to go to the library for a few hours to knock out some studying. Trust us, in the end this will really just be another favor you’re doing yourself.


Don’t allow a breakup to get you down. It’s important sometimes to be reminded that the end of a relationship does not signify the end of the world. So, wipe your eyes and stand tall. The terrible feeling won’t last forever 


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