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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IUP chapter.


With the summer comes the heat and mosquitoes. Recently there has been concern with cases of the Zika Virus showing up in the United States, Central, and South America. Concerns are high for travelers and the Summer Olympics coming up in August in Rio De Janeiro. The virus causes flu like symptoms for those affected and fetus defects such as impaired growth, hearing, and poorly developed brain structures for those infected while pregnant. Not all those infected have symptoms, however those that have or will travel to Central or South America should take caution when you return to the states. The virus can spread through sex or blood, similar to HIV, so the CDC has put a warning out to practice safe sex for those traveling and when returning to the United States from an infected area. Research so far has determined that the Zika Virus with or without symptoms stays in the body a few weeks after being infected, and could take longer for others. Plenty of rest and fluids are recommended for treating the virus, for there is not any vaccine to prevent the virus. Although, unlike chicken pox, the virus does not stay in the body for future outbreaks. The patient must fully recover and practice caution for a few weeks after being infected to be sure they will not spread the disease. If you are having symptoms or have traveled, be sure to talk to your doctor in order to test for the virus and understand options.   

This summer may increase the outbreak with traveling and weather, so be sure to wear bug spray and keep the windows closed if traveling to infected areas. 

For further information visit: http://www.cdc.gov/zika/index.html


Source: http://www.cdc.gov/zika/index.html   

Hi, I am Katherine. I am a student at Indiana University of Pennsylvania. I am a member of the IUP English Equestrian team, Sigma Tau Delta, and a Writer for IUP's HER Campus. I love to read, (books of all genres) write, knit, and travel (I visited England this summer). I am also a British Royal Family Fan. My top music favorites are Ed Sheeran, Taylor Swift, Grace Potter, and Fleetwood Mac. My guilty pleasure is late night HPTV. Please check out my personal blogs-http://hiddeninthemargins.blogspot.com/ and http://wanderlustbound14.blogspot.com/