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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IUP chapter.

Since I am starting to adult on my own, I have been keeping track of what I spend throughout the week! Here is a glimpse from the POV of a college student!


This past Sunday (January 21st) was the day I moved back into my apartment for the start of the Spring Semester. I was getting settled in, hence I did not spend any money that day. For reference, I only have $2.00 in my bank account :) 



Today was the first day of classes, but I did not have class until 5:15 p.m. Still I did not have any money, I was waiting on my paycheck from working over winter break! But tomorrow is payday. Maybe a coffee tomorrow? 



Happy payday! First, I bought my face scrub from The Ordinary brand at Ulta. My total was $21.01 after shipping and handling. I had a $10 gift card, so I only ended up spending $11.01. After, catching up on homework throughout the day, my roommates and I went to Starbucks (I used cash, so it didn’t count, girl math!!). My order is a Venti Iced Chai Tea Latte w/ Oatmilk, and I spent about $6.78. I went off to work and came back and ate a light dinner at home. My roommate and I decided to go get a little snack around 9 p.m. I spent $10.98 on a chicken sandwich and fries at a local late-night dining hall we have on campus called Folger’s. 



Started the day by going to the gym. After, I had to mail a textbook to one of my classmates at the UPS store. After shipping and packaging, the total came to $12.40. When I got off of work my roommate and I decided to get McDonald’s. I got a medium 10-piece chicken nugget meal with a Root Beer to drink and some Sweet n’ Sour sauce. :) My total came to $10.17. I paid $4.00 in cash, and $6.17 on my debit card. The start of the new semester means new books! I bought my first book today, which was $46.60. 



Today, I had a therapy session, and I paid a co-pay of $45.00. Afterwards, on my way to work, I stopped and McDonalds and got an iced coffee, for $2.21 (which is so underrated)! For dinner, my roommates and I got Chipotle, in which I spent $13.01 on a lifestyle bowl.



I did not spend any money today, since I spent a lot yesterday! I spent the majority of the day working on some schoolwork.



We will see what the day brings! :)  

Weekly Total: $158.16

Emily Beyer is a writer at the Her Campus Chapter at IUP. Beyond Her Campus, Emily works at a local elementary schools after school program and oversees a group of K-2 graders. She has been to many professional development conferences to further her studies in education. Emily is a senior at the Indiana University of Pennsylvania majoring in Early Childhood & Special Education. In her free time, Emily loves to write, shop, watch Grey's Anatomy, and listen to podcasts. Also, she enjoys going to the gym and working out as a distraction from her studies.