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An Iconic Fashion Moment: SZA For The All New SKIMS Campaign

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IUPUI chapter.

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Miss Kim Kardashian did it again, and this time, with the one and only power woman SZA. With the status of size-inclusive fashion on the rise, SKIMS just dropped a brand new ‘Fits Everybody’ collection, featuring SZA in a matching brown two-piece shape-wear lingerie set that made everybody’s jaws drop. The Grammy-winning artist also posed for the SKIMS loungewear and bra categories of the same collection, and it would be an understatement to call the campaign pictures iconic. 

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SZA told Variety Magazine that she feels honored and amazing to be supporting a brand that makes women feel confident and comfortable in their bodies. Kim Kardashian has always been known for bringing in and publicizing unrealistic beauty standards, but she just broke that statement through this campaign by letting the world know that she supports and enables women to feel good in their skin. The ‘Fits Everybody’ collection, especially, portrays how fashion can be inclusive to great extents and that we always have room for more inclusivity.

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Relatability is one of the main things that Gen Z seeks in media. The all new SKIMS campaign gave us that sort of relatability by featuring women with various body types, with the world famous SZA being one of them. By doing this, SZA taught us how important it is to send the right social message using our voices. Just like Kim Kardashian stated, SZA is truly the woman of the moment. 

Prathika is the Senior Editor of IUPUI's Her Campus chapter and she doesn't refer to herself as a writer most of the times.