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14 Things I Wish I Knew At 14

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Jax State chapter.

Recently, Roy Moore has been accused of having sexual relations with a 14-year old. Five different women have also come forward claiming that Roy Moore did the same things to them while they were minors. Even if these accusations are not true, having any sort of sexual relations with a 14-year old is an unspeakable act, no matter who you are. Sexual assault is happening everywhere… college campuses, the workplace, and eve at home. It breaks my heart to know that women all over the world are experiencing such terrible acts and feel like they can’t step forward. Her Campus at Jax State is hoping to bring awareness to the #MeAt14 movement to let girls know that no matter your age, it is okay to step forward. You are not alone.

Looking back on my life at 14, I was obsessed with watching Fred on YouTube and taking dance classes. I was not having any sort of sexual relations with anyone.

I would give anything to be able to know then what I know now.


Here are 14 things I wish I knew at 14:


  1. You aren’t as weird as you think you are.
  2. Girls are mean, and they won’t get any better with age.
  3. Hold onto your innocence.
  4. Don’t wish away your childhood. Soon, you’ll be giving anything to have the same “problems” you had at 14.
  5. Your parents are the wisest people you know.
  6. The smallest problems aren’t the end of the world even though you might think it is.
  7. Boys are dumb. Don’t forget it.
  8. The “cool” people really aren’t that cool. (You’ll see in a few years; I promise…)
  9. Popularity doesn’t matter.
  10. Every boy you meet isn’t the love of your life.
  11. Don’t compare yourself to others!! (Especially when they have boobs and you don’t… your time will come.)
  12. Take tons of pictures, you’ll love looking back on your style in a few years.
  13. Wash your face every night. Seriously. Do it.
  14. Love yourself. Growing up is hard, I know. Loving yourself will make it so much easier. 
Hannah Knight

Jax State '18

Georgia Native. Panhellenic President. Communications Major.