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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Jax State chapter.

Mastering college as a freshman is hard, but it’s not impossible. There are several

things you must understand and learn to become a successful first-year student. The

first step is time management skills; consequently, this has been the biggest struggle for


me so far. The second step is prioritizing. Prioritizing is a very easy thing as long as you

know exactly what’s most important to you. The third step is goal setting; however, we

all have lifelong goals, but this maintains of college goals, or short-term goals. After all

of these things are set in mind, put them to use. Sit back and watch exactly how

freshman year of college will be a breeze.

I am Freshman and majoring in Nursing.
Nana Barimah

Jax State '21

My name is Nana Barimah. I am a Junior-ish at Jacksonville State University. I am the Campus Correspondent for Her Campus at Jax State