College is everyone last step before coming an adult. Once college is over you have to get a real job and start thinking about the future. So, before you graduate and have start worrying about retirement plans, loans, bills, and where you will work there are few things you should do.
           One, go to all the football games you can go too. This is a part of the typical college experience and should not be skipped out on. There is nothing more fun and entertaining then spending your Saturdays in Jacksonville at Burgess-Snow cheering on out Gamecocks. The feeling of school spirit is in the air affecting everyone around them it is something no one should ever miss out on.
 Second, be a part of something, anything. Joining an organization on campus was the best decision I ever made. Whether its joining Greek Life, campus clubs, or the SGA it is so important to get involved. It helped bring me out of my comfort zone and make friends with so many new people. Being a part of something gives you a purpose and can teach you real life skills.
Third, go to the mountain at least once. Seeing all of Jacksonville little up at night is a beautiful experience and it makes you realize just how small we really are.
Fourth, go on an adventure. Don’t be one of those people who think back on the young adult years and wish they had done more, seen more. Plan a trip with friends, get out in the world and open your mind, realize that there are other ideas and interesting people out there to meet. The adventure doesn’t even have to be far, just do something new and out of your comfort zone.
Fifth, just have fun. College is about new experiences and trying new things. Don’t hold back from fear of failing, because that’s what college is for. College is the last step into the real world, it’s our last chances to try things and to get things wrong. Live the life you want to and be yourself.