Hello! My name is Bailey Norrell. I am from Guntersville, Alabama, which is known for the lake. My favorite hobbies are reading and writing. My number one favorite thing to do is hang out with my mom and my puppy. I hate being away from them when I am at school. I am an English education major. I had this amazing teacher in high school who inspired me so much through this subject. I plan to teach eleventh or twelfth grade. I hope to inspire my students as she did me. Literature got me through some tough things in my life, and I hope to give that to someone else who is struggling. Her Campus is the most amazing organization. It is full of inspiring and dedicated women who truly want to empower women on our campus and in our community. I am blessed to be a part of this group here at Jax State.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Jax State chapter.