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Campus Cutie: Steven Schmitz

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JCU chapter.


Name: Steven Schmitz

Year: Junior

Major/Minor: Accounting Major, Leadership Development Minor

Hometown: Mount Airy, Maryland

Life at John Carroll:

Why did you Pick JCU?: Actually JCU wasn’t my first choice, I just came here because it made the most sense in pros and cons, I had a good scholarship, I have family in the area, campus is gorgeous, and it is only a hop skip and a jump away from Cleveland.

Campus Involvement: I am a Senior Resident Assistant (SRA), a leadership scholar, and a wrestler. I am also involved in Jazz Band, a leadership competition group and community service.

Favorite Location on Campus: Definitely the Cafeteria, it easy for a lot of people to complain about the food on certain days but I love seeing everyone I know on campus in one area during meal times. I am for sure a table hopper who says hi to every single person they can, but I also love that time during the day to simply break bread with friends and hear about each other’s day and catch up.

Favorite Professor: Paige Webb for sure, she was an English teacher I had freshman year. I despised my English classes with a great passion all through high school but this professor got me to really enjoy reading and writing. She made me a much better writer throughout the year (I took her twice), she was young so she was very relatable to pop culture and made the class a ton of fun. I wrote one paper about the movie “Fight Club” and another about how much I hate cell phones and social networks. I really enjoyed writing papers in that class and would take her again in a heartbeat. I’m sad she is not at JCU anymore.

What has been your favorite experience at JCU?: I will never forget the things that happened after Thanksgiving dinner Sophomore year, definitely a moment to remember.

Dream Job after school: CEO somewhere- dream big

Most embarrassing moment at JCU: So listen, it was a Friday afternoon around 11 p.m. and I just finished my swim workout. I really enjoy swimming for my workouts every couple of days. It’s stretches you, works your muscles, and wouldn’t you know it is cardio too. So of course after a swim workout I am looking like 1 billion times more muscular (another reason why I love it) so I naturally walk back into the locker room to get changed and get ready for lunch. However, in the locker room there is a full body size mirror. Of course I am going to look at myself, and check myself out after my swim workout; I was having a good day leave me alone. Then Doctor Bloom walked in and saw me completely naked, full frontal and back. I wish I didn’t have to take him next semester.

Fun Facts:

Celebrity Crush: Emma Stone for sure, everything about her screams goddess of beauty.  I also like movie Jennifer Lopez, not the real Jennifer Lopez but just the characters she plays in romantic comedies, she is so innocent and kind. But real life…. ehhh. Not a fan.

Favorite TV Show/Movie: “The Office” and “How I Met Your Mother.” I have seen both shows way too much and I can’t get enough of them. I love laughing at the inside jokes, and love the relationships and characters you get to know. Honestly, Jim and Pam= Relationship Goals

What do you do outside of academics? I play piano, and enjoy working out. I also like to go rock climbing or dancing.

What’s your secret hobby?: I am an avid fan and collector of board games. I say that to some people and they will tell me about how much they like Monopoly or Sorry, then I’m like girl please…I play a lot of games that some people have never heard of like “Dead of Winter” or “Love Letter” but I love the concept of being away from TV and screens and being social with the people around you. A lot of times, I play strategy games with my competitive friends, fun games like Qwelf with others, and my family and I enjoy playing Catan during the holidays. Definitely something I do a lot.

What’s your biggest fear?: My biggest fear is anything bad happening to my family, especially my dad. I am family oriented and have grown much closer with my family during my college career and I don’t know where I would be without the support from them. If anything were to happen to my family, I don’t know what I would do with myself.

Fun Fact: I was Maryland High School Wrestling State Champion at 43-0

Love Life:

Relationship Status: Single

What does your ideal date night look like?: OOOOOO… See it depends the girl, but definitely start with dinner dressed up going out somewhere nice, then we would go dance on the rooftop of the tallest building in the city with the moonlight gazing upon us, no one else around just us two. Then we get tired, so of course ice cream is on our minds. So we would have ice cream in the house and talk about life until we decide to put in a movie.

What qualities do you look for in a friend/significant other? Enjoys staying up late talking, laughs a lot, very forgiving, and overall just a loving person.

Would you date your best friend? My best friend is my mom sooooo probably not.