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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JCU chapter.

Dear Justin Bieber, J Biebs, Jeebus,

Stop what you’re doing, and read this letter.

The JCU Her Campus team recently watched your latest interview with Ellen, and we all expected to see a fun-loving Justin goofing off with his pal. Instead we saw the exact opposite. Canceling concerts, deleting your Instagram, and now this interview, we’re worried about you Justin. Justin, we think you should take some time for yourself to relax and focus on your health. We know you want to make your fans happy, but truthfully, we’re happiest when you’re happy. As much as we want to attend your concerts and go to your meet and greets, we’d rather do those things when you are your fun-loving self. We have noted that seeing us doesn’t bring you joy anymore, that you’re too tired to put on shows and take pictures. That’s okay. We’re not mad. You need to do what’s best for you, and if that means canceling shows, then that’s what it means. Your fans are loyal, we will wait for you.

Justin, self-care and self-love is the most important thing in the world. Please take the time to concentrate on what you need to do to take care of yourself, not to make albums or please other people. There are so many things you can do to remove yourself from the materialistic vortex that is Hollywood. Read a book, spend time with family, meditate, go bowling. Just enjoy your life, enjoy the simple things in life. You don’t need fancy vacations to feel relaxed, you just need some people who love you and a cozy blanket and maybe some hot chocolate. So be with the people who love you, make some hot coco, and grab a blanket and just veg. You deserve it, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

I belieb in you. We all belieb in you. Take care, Justin.


Your fans