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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JCU chapter.

So you’re not going somewhere warm over spring break? Yeah. Me neither. To add salt to the wound, it’s not even spring yet, so spending time outside isn’t really an option. You’re probably envisioning your break as staying in bed all day and counting down the days until we go back to school. Fear not though because we have a ton of stuff for you to do that doesn’t require leaving your house.

Organize your room at home

Yes, this sound incredibly boring but hear me out. We’re halfway through the semester which means that we’ll soon be packing up our school homes and bringing them back to our home homes. I don’t know about you, but every year this leads to a disaster in my room at home that resembles a search-and-find book. Instead of lying in bed for a week, divide your room into sections and organize a little bit each day to prepare for the coming influx of stuff at the end of the school year. Trying to do it all in a day will burn you out quickly and create more of a disaster area and one that you won’t want to finish. Maybe Monday you completely empty your bookshelf, dust it and get rid of the books you know you’ll never touch again (I think it’s time to give the Junie B. Jones to your little cousin) then put all the books back and. The next day go through your closet and do the same. Do a little each day until you have a clean room and space for all your stuff when May rolls around.

Do your homework

Ok, so this sounds no fun at all too, but I’ve overheard SO MANY people talking about how much homework they have to do over break. Use the time wisely now so that you’re not freaking out when we get back.

Call your high school friends

I know that most schools don’t have their spring breaks as early as we do, but give it a shot anyway. You’ll have friends that just happen to be coming home on the weekend, friends that still live at home and commute, and maybe their break is the week after ours so they’re coming home next Friday. You might feel like it’s a long shot but I’ll tell you, I already have spring break plans with most of my close friends from high school.

Go (window) shopping

So it’s that time of year when we’re all running out of money because we’ve burned through our summer job savings. HOWEVER, the spring/summer clothes are in stores and trying them on will make you feel hopeful that summer will eventually come. Try on bathing suits, shorts, and tank tops, and make a list of your summer must-haves so that when you replenish your bank account you’ve thoroughly thought through your purchases. Bonus: all the winter stuff will be on sale and since Elsa hasn’t relinquished her grip on Cleveland yet, you can get some use out of them still.

Play in the snow

We’re sick of it. It’s constantly falling from the sky and messing up the on campus parking and reducing us to wearing our yoga pants once per wash because of the salt that coats the bottoms of the pants. However, because the snow that’s on the ground has been there for forever, it’s incredibly good packing snow. If you can’t beat it, join it. Do you wanna build a snowman?


How often do you get a time where you can sit in your pajamas all day and watch Netflix? Catch up on Orange is the New Black before they announce a season 3 release or finally watch One Tree Hill since your bestie has been bugging you about it for years. Your parents will be at work, younger siblings at school, so there will be no one to judge you for lying in bed, eating Ben and Jerry’s from the container, and binge watching 30 Rock.


Have you been wanting to read Gone Girl before you get it from Red Box? Have your friends been bugging you to catch up on The Hunger Games series so you can see the last movie with them in November? Have you been seeing the commercials for Insurgent and telling yourself you’re going to read that? Now is your chance! Hit the library or the book store or the store on your kindle and get a good book. It took me a week to read Divergent, a week to read Gone Girl and two and a half weeks to read the entire Hunger Games series. If you pick up one of those great books you’ve pinned on Pinterest you’ll have ample time to read it before you have to get back to the real world.

Burn through your craft board

Speaking of Pinterest, go through your craft board and finally do some of the things you’ve been meaning to. If you’re bored, then you should have no excuse to not get them done. Pick a few crafts (it’ll be easier on your wallet if you choose a couple with overlapping supplies), hit up Michaels and crank out those crafts. It’ll feel so good to be creative, and you’ll feel so accomplished when you have the finished product. If they don’t turn out, that’s one tutorial you can delete from your board and something you can get a good laugh out of on Instagram.

So what if you’re not going to Florida, or Mexico, or Europe? You’re going to come back from break feeling accomplished and ready for summer! What are you waiting for? Get to it! Have a safe and fun spring break, everyone!

Junior Integrated Marketing Communications major and Psychology minor. Fan of Netflix and her smartphone.