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5 Self Care Tips to Help You Destress in College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Jefferson chapter.

I’ve been pretty overwhelmed lately with the number of exams and assignments that are piling up. Professors are trying to fit in anything they can before Spring Break. Some days, it does feel like too much to handle, but I’ve been trying to implement some self-care tips into my life to help me get through these busy times. Here are some self-care tips that I use or that I’ve wanted to use:

  • Skin Care

Skin Care is something that I’ve added to my life during quarantine. I really enjoy the times in the morning and night when I do my routine. Something about the process is so relaxing! In the mornings it wakes me up and at night it helps me wind down. Especially at night when I wipe off the dirt of the day, it feels rejuvenating physically and mentally.

  • Reading

I’ve loved reading for years, but I feel like now it’s becoming something that I use to take my mind off of stressful situations. I usually read at night before I go to sleep because it helps me relax for the night. It also helps me fall asleep faster.

  • Meditation

Meditation is something I’ve always wanted to get into. I followed a few guided mediation videos on YouTube over the summer, but I have not done any in the past few months. The times I have meditated it helped me to acknowledge the subject of my stress and how to relieve it. Meditation is definitely something that I have to start again.

  • Take a Walk Outside

I am always ready to take a walk around campus. However, I have not been able to do that lately since it has been really cold outside. But when the weather becomes warmer, I will definitely resume my walks. Leaving your dorm and getting some fresh air is always very relaxing.

  • Words of Affirmation

Words of Affirmation is reciting things like “I am stronger than I think” or “I am capable of achieving more than I think.” These are just a few phrases that you can tell yourself. Sometimes stressful days become even worse with the negative things we tell ourselves. I’ve definitely fallen prey to this, and I have to remember to not be so hard on myself.

Riya Roy

Jefferson '24

Hi! I'm Riya, a Senior Pre-Med major at Jefferson! I'm from Northeast Philly and I've lived there my whole life. I enjoy reading, art, baking and binge watching Netflix! This year, I'm one of the Campus Correspondents for Her Campus Jefferson and I'm so excited!! Hope you enjoy my articles :)