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Anna Schultz-In Bed Silk Slip And Ipad
Anna Schultz / Her Campus

5 Ways to Stay Social While Social Distancing

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Jefferson chapter.

After being sent home from school to prevent the further spread of coronavirus, we’re all bound to be getting a little restless. It’s hard adjusting to being back home, and it’s even harder to get used to not seeing our friends from school, or even our friends who live close by. Here are a few ways to stay in touch with everyone you love while still staying safe and healthy inside!


1. Netflix/Disney+ Party

If you haven’t already tried out these Google Chrome extensions, give ‘em a shot! Netflix Party and Disney+ Party are app extensions for your Google Chrome browser which allow you and friends to sync up your favorite movies and TV shows so you can watch them together… while keeping a healthy social distance ;). Both Party extensions create a chat room so you can talk to your friends while watching. These extensions are free to download, as is Google Chrome!

Netflix Party Chrome extension: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/netflix-party/oocalimimngaihdk… Disney+ Party Chrome extension: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/disney-plus-party/pidpgkcioikh…


2. Airtime

If you’re looking for a way to spice up a Facetime call, Airtime lets you and some friends watch YouTube videos at the same time, while seeing each other’s faces! This is another free app, available for both Apple and Android phones, so get your favorite Vine compilation ready, and get ready to laugh with your friends!

Apple App Store link: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/airtime-watch-videos-together/id1018368216

Google Play app store link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.signal.android&hl=en_US


3. Bake together on Facetime.

If you’ve got some free time once all of your online schoolwork is finished, and are craving a yummy snack, consider getting a friend on Facetime and choosing a recipe to bake “together”! Go through the recipe together and at the end see whose final product turns out the best.


4. Keep your study groups active via Zoom or Skype.

If you haven’t already made sure to reach out to your study groups and decide how you’ll keep your studying up while away from campus, do so! It’ll be nice to see some

familiar faces and chat, while getting some good studying in. Make sure you’re keeping a routine academically and otherwise even while staying at home; break up your days!


5. Zoom + Kahoot

Have a trivia night with your friends using Kahoot and Zoom! One person can open any Kahoot game on their screen, and start a Zoom call. Friends can join the Zoom call, and see the questions on their computer screens, then join the Kahoot from another (or the same) device! Bonus points if you can share the audio from the shared screen, Kahoot isn’t Kahoot without the music ;).


While this is not how any of us anticipated our spring semester going, we can try and make the most of our situations. We are so lucky to live in an age where our friends and family can be reached so easily either on the phone, through texting, Facetime, etc. etc. Take advantage of the technology around you and stay in touch with your favs while we do our ‘societal duty’ by keeping our distance.

Stay healthy, active, and keep positive! <3

Hey there, my name is Amelia! I am a psychology major who loves music, food, writing, and watching movies!
Cora Burns

Jefferson '20

Trying to figure it out and writing about it as I go.