Being in quarantine has been tough for everyone, but keeping a healthy routine during all the craziness is important. Something that I knew I didn’t want to change during quarantine was my gym routine. Although gyms are closed, I have found that there are workouts that you can do from home that are just as beneficial as a trip to the gym. I have seen so many workouts on Instagram, but the key is to see what works best for you. These are the fitness influencers I follow who post some great home workouts for you to try!
Jacklyn is from Sea Isle, New Jersey so almost local to Philadelphia! I’m a little bias towards her workouts because I am currently on my last week of one of her 8-week challenges! Her workouts are amazing, and they really kick your butt! You will wake up feeling sore the next day but sore in the best way possible. She offers 30-day programs, 8-week challenges, and now she is offering more at home workout programs during quarantine. She also is giving the option of Zoom workout classes on certain days of the week so definitely check out her page!
- @cristinacapron
Cristina is a fitness influencer, has the CCFit app with workout guides for you, and has workout bands. Right now, she is posting at home workouts that are broken down to target certain muscle groups. The at-home workouts she is posting during this time involve little to no equipment for those who don’t have access to the right gym equipment at their homes.
- @marillewellyn
Mari is a fitness influencer and offers fitness guides for everyone. She has her own workout bands as well. Mari is another fitness influencer who is posting at home workouts for all of her followers right now. She typically uses minimal to no equipment as well and her workouts are segmented and grouped by muscle groups. She has also shown some workouts with objects around your house that you can utilize in your workout.
- @kayla_itsines
Kayla is the creator of BBG programs as well as a SWEAT trainer. Her at home workouts currently involve no equipment or using objects that are in your house for part of your workout. Her BBG programs are super popular amongst her followers and she posts some of their results, which are incredible. Her SWEAT challenges are also super popular with her followers and SWEAT is a global community through the SWEAT app, the #1 fitness app.
- @lisafiit
Lisa’s workouts, in my opinion, are different from the rest of the fitness influencers. She utilizes no equipment other than an occasional resistance band, which is part of her brand as well. I feel that she focuses on slow but proper and effective movements throughout the workout.
These are some of my favorite fitness influencer and entrepreneurs that I follow on Instagram and their workouts are definitely effective and will make you feel great. It’s important to remember to workout at your own pace and to focus on technique (and stretching before and after!) so you are not putting yourself at risk of injury! Working out has been an outlet for me throughout the Coronavirus pandemic and I hope that it can be an outlet for other people as well so pick a workout that you enjoy!