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How to Get Back Into a Routine After Holiday Break

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Jefferson chapter.

After a short month of reprieve from classes, work, and exams, we are finally back at school. Some people may be excited to start the new year and semester, but I was dragging my feet to come back to campus. I knew I had to come up with a plan to stay on top of my work when I didn’t even want to do it. I came up with a few ways that really helped me bounce back from the slump of a relaxing holiday. If you’re like me, then this can be beneficial for you too!

  1. Set a wake-up time

During the break, my sleep schedule wasn’t too bad since I worked a 9-5 job that being said, I still had nights where I stayed up until 3 am and slept until noon. Since I regularly have to be up early at school, I started setting a standardized wake-up time. This helped me stay accountable for my bedtime and provided a fresh start for the day. There’s nothing better than waking up energized and ready to tackle the day ahead.

  1. Establish things you do EVERY day

When I say every, I mean it. Don’t just wash your face in the mornings when you have class an hour later. After 21 days of doing something, it becomes a habit. If you can force yourself through the tough days, it’ll be like clockwork in the future. My morning routine is something I do every day, regardless of my schedule and class times. I wake up, make my bed, make breakfast and coffee, and then do my skincare. It was annoying at first to wake up a little earlier to get this done, but now I love going into every day with a clean face and full stomach plus it is better for your well-being.

  1. Use a planner or calendar

My planner was my lifeline last semester, and I’m sure it’ll be just as useful this semester. As a forgetful person, I can’t even remember the amount of times my planner has saved me from turning in assignments late. At the start of the week, I write down what I want to accomplish. I cross out items as I go, and it makes me feel good to see the list get smaller. I also use Google Calendar on my computer to map out my days. For those of you who love color coding, it’s great to see your schedule come to life with a cute aesthetic!

  1. Get moving

Even if it’s just a walk to the library for a change in scenery, it is so important to get up and get moving. Nobody wants to do anything when they’re having a cozy day in bed. While those are great, I definitely don’t have the time for them like I used to. As much as I hate it at first, I actually feel a lot better after I get out of the apartment, whether it be going to the gym or grabbing a bite with friends. 

Routines are great, but just remember what works for you! Doing the same thing every day can get exhausting. Sometimes it’s good to mix it up and do things you don’t usually do. That way when things get hectic, you always have that strong routine you created to fall back on.

Emily Philippi

Jefferson '26

My name is Emily and I'm currently a pre-med student at Thomas Jefferson University. In my free time I love to read, work out, go on hikes, and spend time with my two cats!