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Is Living on Campus Worth It as a Freshman?

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Jefferson chapter.

As a person that has lived on campus for two years and now has started commuting, I feel like I have a solid opinion on the pros and cons of each scenario. My first two years at Jefferson, I lived in buildings that belonged to the school. One thing I can say is I learned so much about myself in those two years, whether that was from cooking for myself my second year, or cleaning my space, being tidier, and communicating with roommates.

 I also got to explore the city of Philly more as a person that was from out of state. I also found my weaknesses academically and as a person, which was something I wasn’t used to as a high school student. The first few weeks of college, I met friends that would eventually end up being my closest friends on campus. I made some friends that I also eventually fell through with, however, just because of the simple fact that we were all evolving while we were adapting to our new environment.

As the year went on, I learned things about myself, whether that was from living away from my family for the first time, or adapting to making decisions for myself that didn’t involve anyone other than me. These new skills will be helpful as I grow in my career and into different roles as a partner, parent, etc. I truly don’t think I would’ve been able to learn new things if I was not living on campus my first year of college, because every mistake I made was due to the reason that I wasn’t used to living away from my parents. So, to sum it up, yes! I definitely recommend living on campus the first year of college!

Jasleen Multani

Jefferson '26

I am a Thomas Jefferson student majoring in Biochemistry.