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My Dorm Room Feels Like a Blank Space, and Not in a 1989 TV Way… 

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Jefferson chapter.

College is a new experience for everyone full of many different emotions– some jovial, some filled with soul-crushing stress… But one thing is for sure — everyone is bursting at the seams to decorate their new independent space! If you’re a procrastinator (no shame in that particular game), you might not even realize you have few decorations until you’re moving into your dorm with nothing but a book bag and a new form of anxiety. So, I offer you my top five best ways to make your dorm feel less like a blank space, and more like a home:

Pictures, pictures, and more pictures

The best, yet most simple, decoration for a new dorm is pictures of your favorite memories! Whether it’s quick flicks with your hometown friends, or beautiful landscapes from an exotic trip you took over the summer, decorating your wall with fond memories will create a somewhat safe space for you. It fills up an empty wall super quickly while also being a comfort whenever you’re feeling down! 

Plants (real or fake)

The beauty of nature is that sometimes you can take it with you! Not only do plants provide some vibrant color to a dorm, but also a pleasant smell (which can sometimes be difficult to acquire in a dorm). Yes, it may be aggravating to water living plants, but that’s also why many stores sell fake plants and/or succulents that don’t need much water. A little plant goes a long way! 


Nothing brightens up a dim-lit dorm like some new and improved lighting! In some instances, the lighting isn’t great inside the dorms, but that gives you the opportunity to hang up some lights of your own! Whether it’s fairy lights, LED strip lights, etc., these lights give your room some personality. It also gives you the opportunity to experiment with different and colorful forms of lighting depending on the type of light you buy! Of course, you don’t have to only buy hanging lights to decorate. You could buy some form of a lamp, or a light that can project onto the ceiling.  

Throw pillows

Let’s be honest here, the most important part of your entire room is your bed. Such a personal space deserves all the love it can get! So, enhance your character in your room by adding some cute pillows on top of your bed. My personal suggestion is to make the pillows match the vibe of your room (for example, accent the main color of your room). And of course, no bed is complete without your childhood stuffed animal! All the pillows help create comfort for your new sleeping space! 


The best way to showcase your personality is with some of your favorite posters! Whether it’s your favorite band, a positive saying, or just some fun art, posters around your room give new people an insight into who you are as a person. Not only that, but the posters can bring back some memories for you, just like photographs!

So, if you’re stressed about decorations, have no fear! There are so many fun and innovative ways to create a new home for yourself in college – these five ideas are just the beginning of a long list of fun ways to decorate. Overall, this list should encourage you to have fun and make the most of your dorm decorating!  

Angelina is a First Year Biology major at Thomas Jefferson University! After graduating with her bachelor's degree, she will attend medical school in hopes of becoming a neurologist. Her goal in life overall is to help people, but she also aspires to make great changes in this world! All throughout high school Angelina has maintained honors grades. On the weekends, Angelina works part time at her job that she has had for almost two years. Angelina grew up in a small town with her family. She enjoyed her family time growing up, and still makes a huge effort to stay in contact with her family while away at college. Angelina's parents have always encouraged her to put 100% of her effort into things she is passionate about-- this is a piece of advice she carries with her every single day. In her free time, Angelina likes to read a good book, listen to her favorite artists (Bruno Mars and Taylor Swift), writing down her thoughts, or go for a walk to clear her head. She also loves to be with her friends and enjoys meeting new people. Angelina does spend a lot of time studying for her classes, but she does make sure to make time for her mental health! When stressed, she likes to take breaks by listening to podcasts. Angelina is so excited to be a part of Her Campus! Writing has always been one of her favorite hobbies where she feels free to express herself. She can't wait for everyone to see what she has in store for future articles!