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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Jefferson chapter.

With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, it’s easy to get lost in what all your couple friends are doing. As fun as a dinner date can be, it’s important to take care of yourself this romantic winter season. Whether you’re single, long-distance, or just need some alone time, we’ve got just the thing!

Movie Night

Valentine’s or not, who doesn’t appreciate a good rom com? My personal favorites are Clueless and 10 Things I Hate About You, but feel free to get even cheesier than that! Or maybe you’re in your single era and need something less romantic. I suggest Do Revenge for a friendship-centered comedy, or Burlesque to bring out your inner karaoke star! 

Treat yourself to a nice dinner

Whether you have access to a decent kitchen or you live in a dorm, there are ways to get creative with a special dinner. Valentine’s Day might be the day to treat yourself to takeout or go to your favorite restaurant for your solo date. If you’ve got a kitchen, make yourself a cozy meal for a February night (I’d recommend tomato soup or spaghetti). Sit down and take your time enjoying your food and the peace and quiet in your busy life. 


This season, it can be difficult to stay grateful when you’re missing your significant other who goes to school in another state, or when you’ve been sitting with your thoughts too long and you want to text your ex. But before you send that “heyyy” message, take a few minutes to write down everything you’re grateful for in your life. Focus on your other relationships outside of dating, like your friends, family, and pets. Maybe a page or two of self-reflection will remind you why they’re an ex in the first place. This idea of gratitude and mindfulness leads us to our final date idea. 

no-screen day

We spend so much time on social media on a normal day, but holidays can leave us doom-scrolling through other people’s dates and parties nonstop. This Valentine’s Day (and maybe the day after) is a good time to turn off your social media notifications and enjoy your own day. Your friends can tell you all about their dates the next day but for now, set your phone to “do not disturb” and just be present with yourself. 

I hope you can take a night out of your schedule to take care of yourself this month with one of these solo dates. Happy Valentine’s Day!  

Madelyn Yeager

Jefferson '27

Madelyn is a second-year pre-PA major from Bucks County, Pennsylvania. After PA school, she hopes to work in pediatrics and possibly specialize further in oncology or neurology. In addition to her role as a future clinician, Madelyn is no stranger to her role as a patient. While managing a chronic illness, she knows how difficult it can be to feel seen and informed in a doctor’s office. She hopes to use her writing to empower others, especially women, to advocate for their own health and feel empowered in their medical decisions.