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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Jefferson chapter.

The leaves are falling on the ground, creating a collage of beautiful colors as you walk down the street. That can only mean one thing: it’s fall!! As it is the physical change of the season, it also marks the change of most students… Everyone is officially adjusted to the new school year! Now I know, fall can sometimes leave people down in the dumps, but I find that one of the best feelings in the whole world is taking a nice walk in the cool air and listening to my favorite fall playlists. So today, I’m going to name some of the best songs that scream “fall” for your own fall playlists!

“The World We Knew” by Frank Sinatra

How reliable can I be here if I don’t include Frank Sinatra? “The World We Knew” is definitely a more morose song, but fall songs aren’t just good songs, they are songs that touch you and create emotion! It is hard to describe a song as beautiful, but that is truly the only accurate depiction for “The World We Knew.” The listeners follow as Sinatra sings about the crumbling of a romance that leads to the end of his own world. In all honesty, Sinatra should never be skipped on any playlist! His old-fashioned singing voice is really what gives this song the fall feel.

“Champagne Problems” by Taylor Swift

Now, what fall playlist would be complete without a song from Swift’s album Evermore! Although Swift makes great music all around, there is just something about “Champagne Problems” that makes you want to jump into a pile of leaves and think about every single lyric. The song showcases a beautiful and heartbreaking story (but I’ll let you figure that story out for yourselves when you go listen). Even though sometimes you might just need background noise, you can’t help but analyze “Champagne Problems” as the pieces of the story slowly come together. Even if you aren’t a fan of this specific song, I do highly recommend that you all listen to the Evermore album because each song truly has its own tale to tell.

“If I Knew” by Bruno Mars

We all know Bruno Mars, but not many people know about this secret gem in his album Unorthodox Jukebox. Many people know the staples, “When I Was Your Man” and “Locked out of Heaven” from that album, but this song by far is one of the best! This song might be the perfect song to take a walk and listen to. The lyrics resonate with you after just one listen, and his voice is truly hypnotizing! There is just something about this song that can apply to every person. It covers regrets, love, moving on, and so much more! It’s a great song to add to your fall playlist!

“Bad Religion” by Frank Ocean

There are some songs that are just too powerful and meaningful to put into words, and Frank Ocean’s “Bad Religion” from his album, channel ORANGE, is one of them. I know each song that I have named so far has lyrics and concepts with meaning, but this song is extremely deep. I’d try to explain it, but it is better for you all to go and get your own interpretations! If you’re looking for a song that makes you sit and think for hours (which in my opinion is the perfect fall song), definitely consider “Bad Religion” as one of your options!

“Born To Die” by Lana Del Rey

This song just completely fits the vibe of fall! Del Rey’s voice is amazing, and specifically in this song it has the best beat to walk to. The song almost creates a world of its own and transports you there. Del Rey talks about serious and extreme situations that women can find themselves in. Yes, it’s a song that makes you seriously think and reflect, but it is also a song where you can close your eyes and create a story!

Those are just five of some of my favorite songs to play during the fall. At the end of the day, it is all about your music taste and what you like! Everyone’s fall playlists can include whatever you define as fall! One thing is for sure though—fall is the time for music to really resonate with you, so make sure to pick some meaningful songs for you!

Angelina is a First Year Biology major at Thomas Jefferson University! After graduating with her bachelor's degree, she will attend medical school in hopes of becoming a neurologist. Her goal in life overall is to help people, but she also aspires to make great changes in this world! All throughout high school Angelina has maintained honors grades. On the weekends, Angelina works part time at her job that she has had for almost two years. Angelina grew up in a small town with her family. She enjoyed her family time growing up, and still makes a huge effort to stay in contact with her family while away at college. Angelina's parents have always encouraged her to put 100% of her effort into things she is passionate about-- this is a piece of advice she carries with her every single day. In her free time, Angelina likes to read a good book, listen to her favorite artists (Bruno Mars and Taylor Swift), writing down her thoughts, or go for a walk to clear her head. She also loves to be with her friends and enjoys meeting new people. Angelina does spend a lot of time studying for her classes, but she does make sure to make time for her mental health! When stressed, she likes to take breaks by listening to podcasts. Angelina is so excited to be a part of Her Campus! Writing has always been one of her favorite hobbies where she feels free to express herself. She can't wait for everyone to see what she has in store for future articles!