1.Name: Abigail Bastien
2.Major, Year: Molecular & Cellular Biology, 2020
3.Hometown: Sandusky, Ohio
4.Affiliated with: Alpha Phi & Track and FieldÂ
5.You can usually find me: In the depths of C level
6.My favorite part about Hopkins is: The way we all bond over our common and constant strugglesÂ
7.I am most proud of: That one time I got above average on a chem test, literally onceÂ
8.In five years I will be: In medical school!!
9.Something most people don’t know about me is: I have 7 siblings & will have 11 in the fallÂ
10.My favorite location on campus is: the ffc when they serve tenders at late night
11. Do you have any advice for incoming freshmen?
Remember to have fun and get out even though you feel like you’re drowning in work!! Grades are super important, but there’s definitely more to life