A girl loves fashion. She keeps up with all the latest fashion shows, up and coming designers, and reads Vogue religiously, but she hides her passion because she doesn’t want to be seen as shallow or ditzy. The stereotype of girls who are interested in fashion is that are considered less intelligent and shallow. After all, they’re just clothes right? If you care that much about clothes, then how could you be anything other than materialistic and dumb?
Fashion is more than it appears to be. It is something inherently creative, no different from any other art form. It comes with its own mechanics: the knowledge of how to translate inspiration into something wearable, the ability to piece together fabric and form shapes with it, the ability to market and sell creations. Fashion is not something that should be taken lightly and instead should be considered by all to be a true form of artistic expression.
Fashion in and of itself is also more than just something frivolous. It is an expression of one’s self and style. Fashion is a way of communicating without even speaking, allowing us to make snap judgments, something that we can’t say about other interests. As Miuccia Prada once said, “What you wear is how you present yourself to the world, especially today, when human contacts are so quick. Fashion is instant language.”