1.    Name: Lizzy Glass
2.    Major, Year: History of Art, 2017
3.    Hometown: Miami, Fl
4.    Affiliated with: Kappa Alpha Theta, Blue Key Society, Her Campus
5.    You can probably find me…on C level
6.    The best thing about Hopkins is…being a part of my sorority, Kappa Alpha Theta. My sisters are fantastic, and we are all supportive of each other. They helped me make a home at Hopkins!
7.    Something I’m especially proud of is…learning how to water-ski this summer!
8.    Something most people don’t know about me is…I have read the whole Harry Potter series in its entirety probably 4 times and I identify as a Slytherin.
9.    This year, I hope to…pass organic chemistry lab
10.   In five years, I will be…(Hopefully) in Europe studying art history
11.   Next up for me is…going to Her Campus College Fashion Week!!