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JHU’s Top Funny Facebook Pages

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JHU chapter.

Here are JHU’s top funny Facebook pages you should follow for little pick-me-ups throughout the day. From funny sleeping pics in Brody, to satirical news headlines, to snapchats of campus, these are the pages to follow!


JHU Snaps

With a whooping 5,474 likes, this is THE page to follow! JHU Snaps has pictures of Hopkins kids doing the weirdest Hopkins thing and keeps you up to date on what’s going on. This page is made up of their followers sending in the snaps they take. So not only is it highly entertaining, you could also get your own snapchats added to the site! Follow them here https://www.facebook.com/jhusnaps


The John Hopkin Newletter

A spoof off of Johns Hopkins News-Letter, this Facebook page brings you the news and frustrations of Hopkins culutre in a satirical way. Here are some great statuses: 

“Professor Mistakes Spring Break for Do Homework In Another Location Week”

93% Chance of Snow and Sleet Tonight; 0% Chance of Classes Being Cancelled Tomorrow”

“JHU Upperclassman Creates Red Key Society, a Student Group Devoted Entirely to Standing Along Blue Key Tour Route and Yelling ‘Don’t Come Here, Save Yourselves!'”

Don’t forget to follow them here: https://www.facebook.com/johnhopkinnewletter


Sleeping Brody

Because why wouldn’t you want to see all the crazy people in our version of a student union, aka the library, sleeping in the weirdest of forms? Follow them to watch your classmates sleeping all throughtout the library. You’re sure to see content spike during finals! https://www.facebook.com/sleepingbrody?fref=pb&hc_location=profile_browser



All photos courtesy of their respective websites.