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10 Signs That You’re a College RA

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JMU chapter.


1. You spend weeks planning programs and only 5 people show up. Suddenly you realize the only way to get people to come to a program is bribing them with free food. (Hey It works)



2. People approach you at all hours because they locked themselves out. Again. For the 6th day in a row.



3. You touch glitter once to make a flyer and realize you will now always have glitter on you. (This is what you get for being crafty)



4. You are on a first name basis with local PD. Some days you even feel like law enforcement. It’s cool until you remember how uncomfortable it is to write someone up and how much awful paperwork comes with it.



5. When you have to confront a freshman who is holding a beer, and arguing that he/she ISN’T drinking. (It’ll happen at least once guaranteed)


6. The amazing feeling you get when your floor residents all start to become friends and get involved on campus. (I feel like a hall mom, cheering on my 32 kiddos)


7. When the fire alarm goes off at 2 am and you all have to stand outside because someone doesn’t know to add water to microwave mac n cheese.


8. Bonding with hall staff over the ridiculous things that happen in the building. Honestly with a crazy staff and over 100 freshmen, there’s no telling what shenanigans will occur. (Especially Halloween weekend)


9. Waking up Saturday morning to see that half the door decs you made are ripped down. (It’s not like I spent 3 hours making those or anything guys)


10. But I think one of the telltale signs, is reaching the end of the year and hearing that you’ve made an impact on someone. That is one of the most rewarding feelings. It’s a hard job, but you’ll have a lot of stories, experiences and new friends in the end. I promise it’s all worth it.



I am a Junior at James Madison University studying Media Arts & Design. I recently completed an internship with Walt Disney World Resorts in Orlando, FL and plan to pursue a full time position with the company post grad. I love reading, writing, photography and videography.
Hello, it's me. Edel (pronounced like the singer), was previously Assistant Social Editor, Video for Her Campus Media. She graduated in May 2018  from James Madison University in with a double major in Media Arts and Design and Communications Studies. Before joining the HC girl gang full-time she was the Campus Correspondent for the JMU Her Campus Chapter. She's an avid social media user, food enthusiast, and shopping extraordinaire. You can catch her taking a coffee break or binge-watching romantic comedies on Netflix.