Christa Samaha, a second year graduate student here at JMU, is also a fourth year member of Kappa Alpha Theta and will become an Educational Leadership Consultant (ELC) for chapters everywhere this fall. An ELC is a woman that either helps establish a new sorority chapter or visits existing chapters to make sure they are the best they can be. After many candidates applied, Christa was chosen because of her love and dedication to Kappa Alpha Theta. After talking to Christa, I was able to get a better grasp at the new phase in her life and at the honored role she is about to assume. After being president of the sorority both spring and fall semester of 2010, Christa’s continued passion and experience will help her strive in her new position.
HCJMU:What made you want to become an ELC?
CHRISTA:I always admired the ELC’s that were based at JMU back in 2007, who started our Theta chapter here. They pushed me in my leadership, were so sweet to everyone in our chapter, and were great role models. So, the thought had been in the back of my mind for a while, but it wasn’t until the end of fall 2009, when I was slated for 2010 President of our chapter, that this idea started to change into a goal. After attending the summer 2010 Convention in Tuscan, Arizona, I was convinced that this was my “dream job” for next year!
HCJMU: Can you explain what you will be doing as an ELC?
There are two different roles an ELC can have; they can be based or traveling. Two ELCs are based together the very first year a new chapter is established. They do everything to ensure that the chapter has everything it needs, from campus resources to dedicated founding chapter members, so that the chapter can start off strong. The second year after the chapter has started, there is still one ELC based there full time. If in this position, they continue to watch the chapter but at a little further distance and are a continual support and resource for the women. The full time traveling position means that you would have 15-18 visits per semester to different chapters continually. You aren’t assigned to any specific region for this, but will travel the entire US, and possibly to Canadian chapters as well.
HCJMU: What do you hope to get out of this experience?
I know this will be a great experience to prepare me for whatever comes following this! I hope that I learn a lot from the chapters that I visit and work with, and in return I become able to leave a fingerprint on them to make them better. This will be so different from any experience I’ve ever had before.  I’m excited to learn a lot about myself and continue to grow and mature!
HCJMU:Â What are you most looking forward to about being an ELC?
I am most looking forward to all the friendships I am going to develop! I am so excited for summer training at headquarters and to get closer to the other ELCs who will be my primary support system in the upcoming year. I know working daily with college women will keep my life fun, interesting, and energized!
HCJMU:Â How do you feel being an ELC will impact a chapter?
All 127 Theta chapters are guaranteed at least one visit per year. Whether this is just to check in, to help them face certain challenges, or to give a new chapter a little extra help, I hope I am able to push chapters to reach their potential through my ideas and suggestions. I hope to inspire individual chapter members to be the best Thetas they can be, through my own college experiences and dedication.
HCJMU:Â Do you hope to be further involved in Kappa Alpha Theta after you are done being an ELC?
Yes! I definitely want to get involved with alumnae chapters in whatever area I live in following this job, as well as serve as a local chapter advisor or district officer. There are also future dreams of Grand Council (executive committee of headquarters) a long ways down the road!