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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JMU chapter.

Around this time last year, I was an anxious freshman who was overwhelmed by all of the choices that college had to offer. I longed to find my niche: the place for me that everyone had sworn that college had gifted them. These were the same people who told me to “cherish college” and how “it’ll be over before you know it.” I looked at groups of friends and felt as though I was doing something wrong. I wrote an article for Her Campus JMU detailing my experience as an introvert in college, detailing that difficult transition. Now, as a sophomore, I wish I could tell that nearly-unrecognizable version of myself from freshman year everything I had learned throughout my first year. The best alternative to that is writing and hoping that girls like me find my words and know that, yes, you will find your people.

When I entered college, I was introverted and nervous. I was not the kind of girl who would strike up a conversation with the person in front of me in the Chick-fil-a line (and TBH, I’m still not). Everyone’s advice was to “put myself out there,” but what did that even mean? I joined clubs and chatted with people next to me in class, but I still longed for a sense of community and belonging.

In my second semester, I joined a sorority which (in the most non-cliche way possible) absolutely changed my life. I learned that there were girls who were just like me who wanted the balance of cozy movie nights in the sorority house and nights out filled with dancing and unforgettable memories (not to mention the occasional late nights at McDonalds). I swiftly found the people I had been looking for. The girls who were constantly in my corner and made me feel empowered. I had finally come out of my shell, but it didn’t feel forced or uncomfortable; it felt exciting. Entering my sophomore year, I felt like a new version of myself. I was confident and curious about what was to come.

If my words find any college girl who’s timid and overwhelmed, my message is that every girl is just like you, no matter how well they seem to be hiding it. College is overwhelming and scary, and don’t get me wrong, I still do get nervous navigating my way through buildings. Finding solace in those who will become your home away from home is a gift that you will find, whether it be in a sorority, organization, class, or more. Say ‘yes’ to anything that vaguely catches your interest – you won’t regret it.  

Amanda Brown is a current national writer for Her Campus, focusing largely on the Entertainment & Culture vertical. She was formerly the Summer 2024 Entertainment & Culture intern, writing about all things pop culture! Beyond Her Campus, Amanda is a sophomore Writing and Rhetoric major with an Honors Interdisciplinary Studies minor at James Madison University. Amanda is the Founder/President/Editorial Director of JMU's Spoon University chapter and the Junior Social Media Manager of JMU's Her Campus chapter. She is also a member of Gamma Phi Beta. In her free time, Amanda loves binge-watching reality TV (especially while drinking iced lattes) and going on long walks (ideally using it as a yap session or listening to music). Amanda loves reading romance novels while listening to Taylor Swift and Gracie Abrams.