Browse your local bookstore and you will find that coloring books are no longer just for kids! Coloring is the newest “fad” and is becoming the adult’s go-to-method for winding down and relaxing. In a society that is constantly buzzing, beeping, and rushing, coloring allows people to slow down and take time for meditative reflections on daily occurrences and other life stressors.
Researchers explain that coloring has many benefits besides reducing stress. It has been proven that taking time to sit down and color can lower blood pressure, combat anxiety, and focus the mind. It’s like yoga for the brain!
Next time you are stressed or need a study break, bring out the colored pencils, turn on some relaxing music, and find therapy in color. Coloring pages can be found all over the Internet, or you can check out these popular coloring books from Amazon’s bestseller list.
1. “Enchanted Forest: An Inky Quest and Coloring Book” by Johanna Basford
2. “Balance” by Angie Grace
3. “Adult Coloring Book: Stress Relieving Patterns” by Blue Star Coloring
4. “Secret Garden: An Inky Quest and Coloring Book” by Johanna Basford