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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JMU chapter.


As a freshman, I clearly have not experienced the vast approaching hellfire storm that is finals, but I have come up with a few tips for myself to not dive 100 feet deep into a dark pit of emotions before finals. So, here are some helpful tips that have been helping me the past few months:


1: Exercise/Sauna 

I know, your health/psych/every other professor has told you this your whole life, but I’m telling you now, there’s nothing better than a good 20 minutes on the stair stepper, doing some abs and then sitting in the sauna for 15 minutes. The sauna is known to relieve stress and relieve tension in your muscles that you unknowingly tense up when you are uncomfortable or stressed.

2. Do a face mask and take an hour to yourself everyday 

Alone time is essential in order to be successful whether it be in school or work. Take some time for yourself and do a face mask and watch a movie alone or with your friends. Eat some pizza. Live your best life for an hour or so and forget about the things you need to do.


3. Meditation 

Now, this one might seem foreign to you, and it is hard to get started, but ever since I downloaded the app “Simple Habit,” my life has been changed. My mind feels more refreshed and less anxious after a 5-10 minute deep breathing session before a stressful test or situation. Don’t stress! Just meditate, whether you feel like Patrick Star or this lady: 


4. Listen to relaxing music 

Put aside your Migos trap playlist for an hour and put on some calming, vibing, chill tunes. Here are some songs I’d recommend for the ultimate chill-fest: Cocoon//Milky Chance, Landslide//Oh Wonder, Woman//HONNE, The Girl//City and Colour, Barcelona//George Ezra, New Person, Same Old Mistakes//Tame Impala, Bitter Sweet Symphony// The Verve… Let your mind be at ease my friends. (P.S: Check out my Spotify @crenshaw29 for more playlists #ShamelessSelfPromo)


5. Get a good night’s sleep 

Don’t stay up late stressing about your exam the next day and look like this little girl the next day. Give yourself a break from your phone/computer screen and take a hot shower and get in bed before midnight! Wake up early and make your day productive with positive thoughts and less stress.

Everyone is in the same boat right now, so don’t feel lost or alone! Focus on the bigger picture and put yourself first.


I am a sophomore Communications Studies major with a concentration in Public Relations and a minor in Political Communication!
Hello, it's me. Edel (pronounced like the singer), was previously Assistant Social Editor, Video for Her Campus Media. She graduated in May 2018  from James Madison University in with a double major in Media Arts and Design and Communications Studies. Before joining the HC girl gang full-time she was the Campus Correspondent for the JMU Her Campus Chapter. She's an avid social media user, food enthusiast, and shopping extraordinaire. You can catch her taking a coffee break or binge-watching romantic comedies on Netflix.