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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JMU chapter.

How many times have you been told you’re such a flirt with everyone, but when it comes to actually flirting with your crush you just “literally can’t?” It’s hard too because it’s a totally different world than when our parents grew up. When did it become so hard to actually talk to someone in person? Because I have to tell you, I’m a lot better at flirting in person. It’s just so much easier! Body language, reading responses with vocal cues…It’s crazy actually. But don’t worry, I’ve finally figured it out (for the most part).

1. Don’t play games.

Sure, playing hard to get is fun and it can be a good thing. But don’t play games just to play games. You know exactly what I’m talking about too. “If he took an hour to reply to my text, I’m waiting an hour and 20 minutes.” NO! He doesn’t check his phone like you do and he didn’t realize you texted! (Shoot, I don’t even realize people text me!)


Of course we like to be the ones to have our phones light up first, but if he’s doing all the work all of the time, he will lose interest. Alternate for sure, but don’t be shy! They really don’t mind. There’s also another component to this. If you see him at a party and talk to everyone but him, he will lose interest. Be bold! Take a chance! TALK TO HIM!

3. If you use emojis, it’s serious.

But actually… The more emojis you use, the more interested and playful you seem and the more likely he is to be playful right back.

4. Take interest in him and his friends.

Don’t be obsessed! That’s really the key here, but if you’re in good with the bros you’re pretty much in the clear. If he’s hanging with the bros, LET HIM HAVE BRO TIME. Don’t panic because you’re not talking for 3 hours on a Saturday. He has a life, too!

5. Ask him to hang out.

The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. Weird, but it can be extremely true. Invite him over if you want to do a test run, and cook dinner together. Or my personal favorite, bake cookies together. That way you’re having fun, it doesn’t take too much focus, and you get a sweet treat at the end of it!


This is probably the most important thing. Confidence is sooooo important, especially when flirting. If you know who you are and you know what you want, you’ll most likely get it (or him). But if you play games, and act all shy and standoffish just because you want him to show you attention first…. You better reconsider your future together. If you want to text him, text him. If you want to ask him something, ask him! If you can’t do these things, it’ll never work. BE CONFIDENT.

7.  Don’t sweat the small stuff.

Flirting is actually one of the simplest things to do. As girls, we usually tend to overthink EVERYTHING. Guys don’t. So just remember “K. I. S. S.”–Keep It Simple Silly. Don’t worry about saying the wrong thing…guys think it’s cute when we slip up anyway. The best way to flirt is by relaxing and not overanalyzing.

8. Less is More

If you plan to see him out at a party or something of the like, don’t start dressing promiscuously. There is a difference between being hot and beautiful and if you want to be taken seriously, cover up! I’m not saying wear a parka and sweat pants, but if you’re going to show cleavage cover the legs a bit more. You can’t have it all out at once—it looks trashy.

9. Do something out of the blue for him.

This is a little more advanced (like when it’s actually going somewhere). Leave a cute note on his car or bring some baked goods over randomly (guys love food). BUT DON’T EXPECT ANYTHING IN RETURN, that’s not how this works. You do it to make him smile, THAT’S IT. Which brings me to my last point about flirting…

10. Expectations lead to disappointments!

Don’t compare him to your ex-boyfriends. Don’t compare him to other guys, period. Just don’t do it. Definitely be excited if you’re vibing and you think it’s going in the right direction, but please for the love of butter being a carb, do NOT plan your Pinterest wedding board. Just let things happen as they happen!

Have you ever thought "Am I the only one who..."? I'm sure you have, and I promise you're not. Live the life you love. I don't take things too seriously, because life is too short to be so obsessed with what everyone thinks of me. I became a writer so I could say what everyone else is thinking. I believe that treating others the way you want to be treated means you will never have to regret a decision you make. I make mistakes, but that's what makes great articles!